July 25/09



June 28/09
A View from the bench
with the Hammer

Every Auntie's crazy about a sharp dressed Cannon

Misfits o' many, pints and jaints of plenty...Girldersleeve was all up in Jerry's gear, it's too bad oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool' lips ain't here...Kraz wasn't here to yell in our ear so no one had a party, Davis's tears formed a puddle cause he knew he had to go home for a cuddle...Troy hits a bomb what else is new....hell froze over when Wish7 hit one too...that's all I have for today, the kid needs to stretch he might have to play...

May 18/09
Manager gets new bag!
Team fails to establish 2nd place dynasty at Doug Conn tournament

HIGH five's Yes that's Dave Day in the corner,
Cannon coach for a weekend

KRAZ ignites the Cannons with a towering 'blast' Derek Sinke slides and is called out at home
The Howe Sound Cannons defeated the Nanaimo Coal Miners in the finals at the 16th Annual Doug Conn International tournament in Victoria 4-1. The team was visibly upset with the failure to repeat as the silver medallists until they realized they had pulled off a semi-miracle and beat the large and ornery Coal Miners and took home gooooold.

Tournament MVP: Jack Thompson
Tournament Top Hitter: Troy Morphy
Tournament Top Pitcher: Jeremy Galley
Looks best in blue: Dave Day

For proof of just how good the Coal Miners are, check out Coal Miners in league of their own

April 10/09
Do you want to play for the Cannons?
Spring training starts April 30th, show up early and bring some balls.
Also if you know any former major leaguers that want to play, bring them.


  • Barenaked managers -Gearing down since 2006-2008 and 2011-2013
  • Don't forget to keep busy with KRAZZZZZZ
  • Cannons WIN the triple crown!
  • Jumpstarting Chevy vans since 2010

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