Feb 14/25
9:25 am

Franklin County Eagles
AAU Basketball Team



Rocky Mount

Team Ticker:
  • Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever!
  • 2006 Final Record: 15-12 Much tougher schedule than in the past. Good Season, Eagles!
  • "If you play smart and play with heart, the scoreboard will take care of itself." Coach Ed Baumann
  • You can make excuses or you can make a difference. Which will you choose?
  • Players, Parents! Go to the "Forum" to read the Coach's Final Thoughts on the 2006 season.

Good luck in the future to all who have participated in the Eagle/Eagle Express program

"It's more important to be good at life than it is to be good at basketball." --Bobby Knight

"Sometimes a player's greatest challenge is coming to grips with his role on the team" --Scottie Pippen

Former Notre Dame football Coach Lou Holtz once said: "The attitude you choose to assume toward life and everything it brings you will determine whether you realize your aspirations. Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it".

You can hang out with turkeys or you can soar with the Eagles!


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