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RDFA Benbrook Stars Prep Academy Football




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Countdown to Fall Practice
(Aug 7/17)
Posted Feb 2/17 - Changing Face of the Game


ORLANDO — USA Football, the national governing body for amateur football, intends to introduce a drastically altered youth football game in response to declining participation and increasing public belief that the game is not safe for children to play.

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The organization has created a new format that brings the game closer to flag football and tries to avoid much of the violence in the current version. Among the rule changes: Each team will have six to nine players on the field, instead of 11; the field will be far smaller; kickoffs and punts will be eliminated; and players will start each play in a crouching position instead of in a three-point stance.

"The issue is participation has dropped, and there's concern among parents about when is the right age to start playing tackle, if at all," said Mark Murphy, the president of the Green Bay Packers and a board member at USA Football.

"There are, legitimately, concerns among parents about allowing their kids to play tackle football at a young age," Murphy continued, "so they can look at this and say they'll be more comfortable that it is a safer alternative."

Worries about the future of youth football are mounting as evidence of long-term cognitive dangers of playing the game grows.

For years, the sport's top officials have played down the science and insisted that tackle football could be played safely. Neurologists have found a degenerative brain disease, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, in an alarming number of former football players, and last year the NFL's top health and safety officer acknowledged for the first time the link between the disease and brain trauma sustained on the field.

"This is the future of the game," Scott Hallenbeck, the executive director of USA Football, said in an interview at the organization's annual convention here last weekend. "All of this is all about how do we do a better job, and a smarter job around the development of athletes and coaches in the game of football."

USA Football has for years promoted a program called Heads Up Football to youth and high school coaches to combat safety concerns and declining participation. But research, endorsed by the organization, that showed Heads Up Football helped reduce concussions and other injuries proved to be misguided, a review by the New York Times found.

The group has also promoted flag football, which has no tackling, with success. Participation in the game, which is typically played by younger athletes, grew 8.7 percent last year, Hallenbeck said.

Even so, participation in tackle football by boys ages 6 to 12 has fallen by nearly 20 percent since 2009, though it rose 1.2 percent, to 1.23 million, in 2015, according to the Sports and Fitness Industry Association. Schools in several states — including in Maine, Missouri and New Jersey — have shut their tackle football programs because of safety concerns and a shortage of players.

The participation declines in tackle football are worrisome not just to youth football organizations like Pop Warner, but to the NFL, which sees youth football as a way to develop future fans and pro players. The NFL has given USA Football tens of millions of dollars to promote the youth game, and the league's presence was felt at the convention, which was held just a few miles from where the Pro Bowl was played.

USA Football began exploring new ways to play the game in 2015. Unlike sports like baseball — which has a progression of levels, from T-ball up, suited to each age group — football had few alternatives to the flag and tackle versions. The new format, called modified tackle, is a way to give nervous parents an alternative. Coaches would also rotate players in different positions during games to give everyone a chance to carry the ball and avoid mismatches between large and small kids.

The first modified tackle scrimmages were held in September with youth teams in Cleveland. Chuck Kyle, the football coach at St. Ignatius High School, who ran the scrimmages, said that though much more work was needed to determine if this version of the game was safer, the initial evidence was positive.

"By bringing the field in, first of all, I think there's better form tackling because less speed, less momentum, more one-on-one tackling," Kyle said. "I didn't see as many pileups, because there's seven people" on a side, not 11.

USA Football is hoping that a few teams and leagues in different parts of the country test the game more formally this year. A national rollout of the game is still several years away.

Still, Hallenbeck made sure to introduce the concept of modified tackle to the more than 1,000 high school coaches and administrators assembled here. He said that youth football was at a "critical crossroads" and that the football community, which faces "adversity," must work together to create a safer game with more alternatives for children and their parents.

Other keynote speakers, including former NFL coaches, players and team presidents, echoed Hallenbeck's call to arms at the three-day event, saying the sport is under threat.

"There are a lot of geniuses out there that are diminishing football right now," said Jon Gruden, a former coach of the Oakland Raiders and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who now works as an analyst for ESPN. "There are a lot of geniuses that are trying to damage the game, and ruin the game. Do you feel it? There are a lot of geniuses that want to eliminate all sports, including recess."

"Not on my watch, and clap your hands if you're with me on that," he added, to loud applause.

Many attendees at the conference said they were receptive to the new format if it helped keep children participating and allayed parents' concerns.

"The games are getting a lot faster and kids are getting bigger, so they need to modify the game so parents feel it's safe," said Paul Macklin II, who helps run recreation programs in Norfolk, Va. "We have to come up with new ideas."

Medical experts and safe sports advocates were more skeptical. The brains of children grow at incredible rates, and repeated jarring blows to the head can stunt that growth, doctors say. While concussions are a concern, the larger danger to an athlete's long-term cognitive health is the repeated sub-concussive blows like the ones that linemen absorb on nearly every play from scrimmage.

Several studies have shown that college and professional players who began playing tackle football as young boys have a greater risk of developing memory and thinking problems later in life than athletes who took up the game after they turned 12. Starting to play tackle football as teenagers is more prudent, doctors say.

"The earlier they started playing, the worse their brains fared later on," said Robert Stern, the director of clinical research at the Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Center at the Boston University School of Medicine.

"To me, it makes sense we would want to do everything we can to reduce or eliminate purposeful hits to the brain," Stern added. "But if the culprit is the repetitive hits to the brain, that's the starting point for making changes."

Whatever the merits of modified tackle, the biggest obstacle may be hidebound football coaches and the parents who cling to the notion that football is football only if it is played on a 100-yard field by 22 children at a time.

"We'd get a rebellion if we tried this because so many people don't want to be told what to do," said Jon Butler, the executive director of Pop Warner, the largest youth football organization in the country. Introducing modified tackle football "is going to be by trial and error."

Not safe for children? Football's leader make drastic changes to youth game 01/31/17 [Last modified: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 8:03pm]

New York Times.






Posted Jan 5/17 - Dyscalculia ?

What? Dyscalculia is a disability that affects about 6% of the population,it can affect the understanding of mathematical symbols.

Difficulty with addition,subtraction,multiplication and division or may find it difficult to understand the words "plus," add, "add-together

Difficulty with every day task like checking change and can sometimes cause problems even with basic level estimating.

Causes are many it can be from head trama in early years and other causes.

Now before we go on what is the basic concept of math

1. Foundational skills- research has shown that visual perception,visual memory, and logical thinking(make problem solving possible) and are considered the most important foundational skills of math.

2.Mathematical skills- are based around counting, adding and subtraction of multiplication and division.

3.Knowledge-one has to know and learn terms ,definitions,symbols,theorems and axioms, these are things one must know not things he must know how to learn how to do.

Now a haha moment is some of these very people can solve math problems having to do with algerbra and other more advanced math while struggling to add a simple 6+4=10 math problem, or which way is north.

There is no cure for this but understanding what it is can start the process for making adjustments in the learning processes to make learning easier for those who suffer from this disability, kids may show signs early on when entering school but no one will catch it leaving the person to have their own misunderstanding of why they don't get it and those around them to think they aren't trying hard enough.

Research this topic more if you as a parent have questions about your childs slow development in understanding math or sence of directions, it could be nothing or it could be that Dyscalculia is causing  problem that is unexplainable by the person as this afflication affects adults as well as children, but in most cases it started as a child and no one understood the problem, many adults suffer with this and still don't know or understand why they can't understand simple math.

Posted May 16/16 - Youth Sports Concussion and Brain Injury Hearings

A follow up hearing from the March 2016 discussion on concussions and brain injury by the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Chaired by Rep. Tim Murphy (R) Pennsylvania was held on Friday the 13th of May. Specific to prevention and research of youth sports concussion.

While over 30 million participate in youth sports (football) from age 5-18 making them the largest demographic within the sport of football, they also are the most underserved when it comes to prevention,research and information.

Question- in regards to youth sports are whether there are educational policy guidlines in place for coaches, players and parents and if so how are they implemented? was one question asked by the committee of the panel.

Question number two- was based upon the challenges of youth leagues and team data on concussion policy information and injury reporting on concussions.

Rep. Diana Degette (D) Colorado ranking member stated that experts in the March 2016 round table meeting suggested that in 7-10 years they would have enough evidenced based recommendations for policy involving safety protocol for youth sports, she goes on to state that if that were to be taken as true she herself as a mom would say that would be to long. And experts on the May 13th panel also said that is rediculous and that the information can be collected right now, but one of the problems is how to collect it since their probably is no process in place within youth sports currently to do so.

Some of her questions were based upon when is a safe start time for playing, football how many times per week should contact be allowed, and what type of education should be implemented for coaches.

One other surprise came from the hearing was the number of concussions from practice within the high school level numbers like 60 to 70 % does this suprise you while reading this, after all you probably thought the high school coach was better at this well guess again, he too also has some learning to do, the NFL USA Football arm also came under fire when asked why if they think and now know that the possiblity of practice contact can cause concussion why does it still support a 4 day contact practice advocation (the representitive went silent and had no response) this same representitive stated that the USA football arm didn't have the money to reach out to all levels of football with education on concussion, but one problem with that statement is that in 2014 the NFL gave $40 million dollars to USA football question would be where did all the money go?

Now what was gained from the hearing one very clear agenda and that being that in the future the government is about to mandate an educational policy into youth football but will enter every other youth sport as well.

The Benbrook Stars prep academy is already ahead of this our program is a school of football training, the coaches are required to attend classroom study and receive a certificate in introduction to coaching which covers CPR, Health and Safety, Concussion Awareness and other protocol involved in being a coach, who in today's game is a teacher of the training health technique and mental understanding of the game, Gno Metric Analytical to track injury and any concussion to players data. 

Posted Mar 30/16 - Concussion Education

Our players will receive information that gives parent's an understanding of what concussion's are and what to look for also as an organization the player will receive a direct conversation about talking with coaches about any out of the ordinary head pain not usually associated with them from normal day to day experiences the player may have away from the field.


Posted Oct 28/15 - Geometry and Football work together

Geometry terms and definitions




Definition/ Description



A location in space - a dot on a piece of paper



Connects two points via the shortest path and continues indefinitely (forever) in both directions

Line Segment

Part of a line between two points

Perpendicular Line Segment

Line Segments that intersect (cross) at an angle of 90°

Parallel Line Segments

Line segments that never intersect (they are always the same distance apart)

Right Angle

An angle that measures 90°

Acute Angle

An angle that measures less than 90°

Obtuse Angle

An angle that measures more than 90°


Point at which two line segments intersect (forming an angle)


Scalene Triangle

A triangle with all three sides with different lengths

Isosceles Triangle

A triangle with two equal length sides (and two equal internal angles)

Equilateral Triangle

A triangle with all three sides of equal length (each internal angles = 60°)


Distance (line segment) from center of a circle to any point on that circle's circumference.


A line segment (or length) joining two points on a circles circumference and passes through the circle's center (twice the length of the radius)


Distance around a circle (the perimeter)



A line segment joining two points on a curve.


Part of a curve



                                                              Moto: Reach for it and you can !


                                            Mission Statement


Community pride ,respect for and of all who may be different but very much a like

education life skills and knowledge.

While football is a competition our first goal is to build a foundation of self respect and understanding of our players as a person, and as that goal is attained the physical aspect of the players game will increase.And that will translate into wins or losses.

Either way our players will leave the program knowing the score doesn't always tell the whole story of what is really just a game.



 Our Five points of lessons learned within the structure of our program


2.Team Work










































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