Jun 8/24
5:52 pm

Vancouver Voodoos




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Posted May 24/11 - "If ifs and buts were candies and nuts..."

"It would be Christmas every day" - Dandy Don Meredith.

A little heartache for the Voodi as yesterday's final saw Aldergrove scoring two in the bottom of the 7th to snatch a 2-1 win from us for the tourney gold medal victory.

Unfortunately, my recollection of the late inning events is a tad fuzzy.  However I do recall us getting on but not getting runs in the early innings as we struggled with their pitcher's Espyesque move to first.

From the 1st inning on we knew it would be close.   Jason was lights out leaving with a 1-0 lead after 5 1/3, giving up no hits, 3 BBs and striking out 12 after throwing 85 pitches.  7 of those 12 batters were caught looking in a truly dominating performance by the kid.  Rory came in and got the final two outs to move us to the top of the 7th with the 1-0 lead.  We couldn't add to our lead against their reliever and wouldn't you know it but they get a couple of hits and bounce one off the third base bag to pull it out in their half.  Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear get you...but what a game!

We have a practice tomorrow at 5:30 and away and home games with the Cloverdale Mustangs on Saturday and Sunday respectively at noon so we need to be at the fields by 11:00 AM.  I'll forward a map link.



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