Feb 6/25
6:35 pm

North Shore Mens Baseball Association



North Vancouver

League Ticker:
  • Sponsored by The Penthouse Nightclub
  • Home of the 2018 Provincial Champion Howe Sound Cannons
  • 2019 Ejection Counter: 3
  • Anger management counselling now available
  • Dayrod is a legend

Couple big games for Cam in the sweep of the Growlers


2019 Schedule is now up. Click on the Schedule tab on the left.

2019 Provincial qualifying tourney. June 7th-9th 


5:30pm Pirates 6 vs Growlers 6 Parkgate South 

8:00pm Bulls 17 vs Canadians 7 Parkgate South  


10:00am Canadians 1 vs Pirates 14 Parkgate North 

12:30pm Whistler 3 vs Bulls 8 North

3:00pm Howe Sound 3. vs Jays 0 3:00pm Parkgate North

5:30pm Growlers 1 vs Howe Sound 3 Parkgate North

6:30pm Jays 5 vs Whistler 3  Parkgate  South 


Semi final Howe Sound Cannons 9 vs Blue Jays 310:30am  Inter River

Semi final Pirates 2 vs Bulls 5 1:00pm Inter River 

Final Cannons 4 vs Bulls 1 3:30pm Inter River 


2018 NSMBA AA Provincial Qualifier

All Tourney Team: 

C - B. Lewis  Bulls

INF - Jack Thompson Cannons

INF - Kyler Whistler 

INF - Justin Lawerence Cannons 

INF - Cam F Pirates 

OF - Dan Pitts Whistler 

OF - Justin Kraz Cannons 

OF - Joe Pirates 

P - Jovan Bulls  pitched semi final and final on Sunday 

P - Alex Wishy Cannons  1-0 and threw a Perfect Game on Saturday 

P - Jeremy Galley Cannons 2-0 and Win in Final

MVP - Jovan Bulls

Top Hitter Jack Thompson Cannons

Top Pitcher/Manager - Alex Wishnicki Cannons 








District of Squamish has moved the fences in at Laroy Watt Stadium to increase homerun totals in the NSMBA. 















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