Congratulations, Jacob and Kyle. Jacob went 4 for 5 and scored 5 times. Kyle managed to bear the heat and had a great game behind the plate catching. Nice job guys!!!!
The Florida Marlins Coaching Staff will be providing achievement awards to all the players at the end of the playoff season. The following awards will also be given to the players voted on by the coaching staff:
2005 MELL Florida Marlins Offensive Player of the Year
2005 MELL Florida Marlins Defensive Player of the Year
2005 MELL Florida Marlins Cy Young Award (Pertains to the Pitchers Only)
2005 MELL Florida Marlins Player of the Year
We would like to have a team outing to celebrate the season and to give these awards and others to all the players this year. If anyone would like to volunteer to host this event, please let one of the coaches know during the playoff games. Thank you.
GAME 1: 6/28 - 5:30 - FIELD 6
GAME 2: 6/30 - 5:30 - FIELD 6
GAME 3: (IF NECESSARY) 7/5 - 5:30 FIELD 4
GAME 1: 7/10 - 5:00 FIELD 6
GAME 2: 7/11 - 5:30 FIELD 6
GAME 3: (IF NECESSARY) 7/12 - 5:30 FIELD 6
The following Marlins Player has been chosen as this weeks PLAYER of the WEEK, Congratulations.
Jacob McAdams - During this week's play, Jacob had an outstanding show at the plate. He went 8 for 10, batting .800 with 8 singles. Jacob has been a strong force in our offense as well as defense. He has developed through this season to be a key player in all of our victories. Great work, Jacob.
Change in League Age Determination Date for Next Season, Many MELL Players To Be Effected!
The Little League International Board of Directors has accepted a
recommendation from USA Baseball to change the league age determination date starting in the 2006 season. Methuen East Little League, as a chartered Little League, will be under the effect of this rule change.
Basically players born in May, June, and July will repeat next season as the same "little league age" they are considered this year.