Oct 26/24
11:30 am

2007 Kingston Braves




Team Ticker:
  • Welcome to the home of the 2007 Kingston Braves
  • 2006 OBA Provincial "A" Midget Champions
  • 2005 OBA Provincial "A" Silver Medalists
  • 2004 OBA Provincial "A" Silver Medalists
  • Final update 2007 09 01. Thank you. Game Over!
Countdown to End of Season
(Aug 19/07)

Welcome to the Home of the Braves

2006 OBA Provincial "A" Midget Champions 2005 OBA Provincial "A" Midget Silver medalists 2004 OBA Provincial "A" Midget Silver medalists

CLICK HERE to go to the 2006 Braves Provincial Championship Commemorative website.
The Braves are the rep team of the Kingston Baseball Association / Greater Kingston Little League and play in the Eastern Ontario Baseball Association Midget Division. Visit Kingston Diamond Dogs for more Kingston baseball news.

September 1, 2007
Defending Champions Defeated
The Kingston Braves failed in their bid to defend their provincial championship after being beaten by a determined opponent - the Oshawa Legionnaires, despite a last inning bases-loaded rally. The Braves opened the EOBA "A" provincial qualifying tournament with a 4-3 win over Pickering, with Ken McIlroy notching a complete game, 5K, ten-hit victory despite a rocky sixth inning three-run surge by the Red Sox. The Braves offense was produced by two-thirds of the County Trio, with veterans Brad Yott producing a 2 RBI single and Brent Bain smashing a triple. The Braves met Oshawa in their second game and handed the ball to Kyle Kelsey who twirled 8 strikeouts but also allowed ten batters free passage to first base. Down 4-3 in the sixth inning, the Braves mounted an attack led by veteran Ryan Kerstens' RBI double and scored another run courtesy of Dom Lazzarino, to take a 5-4 lead into the top of the seventh. Oshawa fought back in the top of the seventh and answered with two runs to beat the Braves 6-5. Needing a win to keep their season alive, the Braves faced-off once again with the Legionnaires in a tense, back and forth battle that erupted in the fifth inning when Kerstens, trying to score from 1st base on a sharp hit to the right-center field gap, was called out at the plate despite beating the throw with a magnificent head first slide. The Braves 1st base coach quietly expressed his opinion of the play at the plate, which offended the 1st base arbitrator who exercised his powers to transform the coach into a spectator. Down 4-2, with both Kingston runs produced by Brad Yott and Brent Bain contributing a pair of hits, Braves rookie starter Colin Greenwood was relieved by rookie Matt Thompson who launched his left handed arsenal against the Oshawa batters, giving the Braves another opportunity to even the score in the seventh. Loading the bases in their last at-bat with one out, the next two Braves batters went down swinging, ending the reign of the 2006 provincial champions.
August 16, 2007
Braves Prepare For Playoff
The Braves are in action in Whitby on Saturday, August 18 as they playoff against the four other A teams in the EOBA loop to determine which two teams will represent the EOBA at the Ontario Provincial Championships later this month in Mississauga, ON. The tourney format for each team is simple: Win two and advance to the Show. Lose two and the season is over. The Braves play at noon and 3pm on Saturday.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Bunnies Snare Braves
Thursday night was a homecoming of sorts for a quartet of Braves players who have previously worn the Bunnie colours, but their return to the St. Lawrence Seaway City of Brockville was less than stellar. Brockville native Matt Beckstead started the game for the Limestone City nine and experienced control problems as soon as the Umpire signalled Play Ball, walking the bases loaded in the first inning with an ineffective arsenal of 50 foot fastballs and breaking pitches that had catcher Fraser Nash playing block and fetch for the first two frames. Ex-Bunnie pitcher Ken McIlroy was called upon early to stop the bleeding and was as effective as a pitcher could be pitching in a bandbox with an uphill left field short porch that results in homeruns that would be routine outs in any other ballpark that has bases 90 feet apart. Alas, K-Mac served double jacks before handing the ball to Colin Greenwood after pitching 6 innings. G-Wood, who earlier experienced losing a fly ball in the setting sun which in this quirky diamond shines in every player's eyes except the batter and catcher, finished the game on the mound as the Midget Braves lost 10-4, their first EOBA regular season loss to Brockville since the two teams began their EOBA rivalry. Corner infielders Brent Bain and Kyle Kelsey struggled this evening against their former team as Bain suffered the defensive blues while Kelsey was confounded a few times by the strike zone. Kelsey made the trip to Brockville from the Nation's Capital where he is playing with the Kingston Colts who are contesting the Senior Little League Provincial Championship. Braves designated hitter Jordan Lake, playing in his first EOBA game, struck out during his first at bat but made amends as he powered a blistering drive that handcuffed the Bunnies 3rd baseman. After advancing to second base, Lake ran to third on a Jeff Lake single and stumbled while being waved home by Coach Gurney, sliding beneath the tag to score. Other Notable Plays: Better-late-than-never Ray Kerstens snagging a ball that had already passed him; Liam Conway's basepath larceny; SS Laker reaching the unreachable; Matt Thompson making left field running uphill catches; Kyle Kelsey stretching & scooping on the right corner; The Braves (3-9) next EOBA game is on Saturday with a double header in Oshawa. Note to the speedy Braves player who stepped out of his cleats, jock and pants and left them beside the dugout in Brockville for the coaching staff to retrieve: Faster than stink is something to strive for on Saturday when your sweaty uniform has been fermenting in the back of Steve's van since Thursday…
Monday, July 16, 2007
Braves Stopped In Semi Final
The Kingston Braves had a strong showing this weekend in the 36th Annual Midget Tournament hosted by the Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball Association despite being battered and bruised with a third of their starting nine on the DL. Scoring 22 runs in their first two games, the Braves defeated the Hamilton Bears 12-9 on Friday night and outscored the Clarington Orioles 10-2 on Saturday morning in Clarington. In the opener, Braves starting pitcher Ken McIlroy bested the Bear's batters and left the game with a 12-2 lead to record the Braves' shaky victory. Kyle Kelsey pitched the Braves to victory with a fine outing against Clarington in game two, before leaving the tournament due to work commitments. The Braves second game on Saturday was a wet and wild affair against EOBA rival Ajax, a "AAA" squad prepping for the Ontario Eliminations.The game was played in pouring rain on a softball diamond fitted with a portable mound because the main Clarington baseball diamond was scheduled for an EOBA Bantam game between the Kingston Thunder and Clarington Orioles which ended in a 16-16 tie - a minor bump on a stellar Thunder winning spree. Meanwhile the Braves jumped ahead of Ajax early in the game and the two squads became soaked and bogged down at 6 runs each before the floodgates burst and Ajax strung together some crooked numbers and defeated the Braves 10-6. Matt Beckstead started the game for Kingston, followed by relievers Colin Greenwood and Brent Bain, the Kingston trio all pitching well considering the circumstances. Braves' Dom Lazzarino hit the ball hard and often in the rain. Ajax ended the day at 3-0 for top spot in the Gold Division with the Braves at 2-1, clinching second place with a berth in the Sunday semi final game against the Newmarket Hawks, top team in the Blue Divison. In the semi final played within the ivy walled Kinsmen Memorial Park, the Braves pinned their hopes on veteran McIlroy. Pitching on a day's rest, K-Mac answered the call by leading his team through five innings before leaving the game down by a score of 4 -2. With mounting injuries, a bullpen stretched to its limit and a series of defensive miscues, Newmarket scored two more runs to defeat the Braves 6-2. Braves "Player of the Weekend" goes to pitching veteran Ken McIlroy. Braves Highlights: Brad Yott crushed a ball to the 410 centerfield wall for a triple while teammate Jesse Lemmon pounded a double through the right center field gap. Liam Conway had a stolen base and scored from second with a great slide to beat the catcher's tag attempt. Shortstop Jeff Lake making a spectacular snare of a line drive over second base to double off a Newmarket runner on second base to save a run when the game was tied 2-2 mid game. Braves infield turned turned three double plays on the weekend. Braves Weird Play of the Weekend Part 1: Dom Lazzarino colliding with the first base umpire while rounding the base on a wild throw and arriving safe at second. Braves Weird Play of the Weekend Part 2: Dom Lazzarino sleeping on the kitchen table due to a one cent coin, a banana split with out bananas and other strange shenanigans when Brad Yott and Brent Bain become involved... Special kudos to the Braves Parents for the excellent BBQ before the rain on Saturday. Click here for photos
Saturday July 7, 2007
Double K No Hits Ajax
Once or twice in every player's career, the baseball gods will smile favourably, align the planets and set the stage for magic to happen. The seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year was such a day for Kyle Kelsey as he pitched a no-hit, 9 strikeout gem that ended the Braves eight game losing streak yesterday in Ajax. Kelsey's no-hit bid was almost jinxed by fellow Braves pitcher Matt Beckstead, who read the score sheet in the fifth inning and declared to those in the dugout that Kelsey was pitching a no-hitter. Except for an outstanding defensive play by Kelsey, who snared a comeback line drive that doubled a runner off second base, the unspeakable could have happened as a superstitious rule of baseball was broken. In recording the 9-0 win, Kelsey struck out the side in the first two innings and ended the game with his ninth strikeout.The game was then called due to passing the 2 hour time limit. Brent Bain and Ryan Kerstens each hit two singles while Brad Yott tripled and singled for the Braves. Catcher Fraser Nash went yard with a towering solo shot to left field, his first HR on the season. The Braves also left the bases loaded in each of the first two innings. The second game was an exhibition friendly affair due to EOBA division rules which legislate Division "A" teams play Division "B" teams once per season. Braves rookie southpaw Matt Thompson took the mound and stymied the Spartans with his nasty repertoire of pitches before giving way to reliever Matt Beckstead with the Braves in front 3-0. Beckstead ran into trouble on the mound, and after sage advice from veteran catcher Brent Bain, managed to hold on to a 3-2 victory. The Braves are 3-8 and next see action Friday night in the annual Oshawa Tournament. Player of the Week: Kyle Kelsey
Monday, July 2, 2007
Braves Lose Two In Rain Delayed Six Hour Marathon
The Kingston Braves' dismal season continued on the weekend despite coming up short on a well played extra-innings rain-delayed 4-3 loss to the Whitby Chiefs. Braves' pitcher Ken McIlroy held the opposition in check for eight innings, leaving the game with a 3-3 no decision tie. AJ Lauzon contributed two hits and Colin Greenwood finally reached base safely on a single, ending a frustrating drought of hard hit "at 'em" balls. Two Braves on the base path -Greenwood and Liam Conway- stole three bases with Conway snatching two of the bases. After numerous rain delays and a hard throwing Whitby pitcher who silenced the Braves bats for four innings before allowing a hit, the nightcap mercifully ended after five innings as the Chiefs slaughtered the Braves 18-0. Matt Beckstead took the loss for Kingston.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Braves Swept in Peterborough
The Kingston Braves finally took the field fourteen days after their last EOBA competition with a double header on Sunday in the Lift Lock City. In the opener, the Braves could only produce 3 hits, but left 10 runners on base as they lost 8-0 to the Peterborough Tigers and gave credence to that old maxim that rust never sleeps. Unfortunately, base-running blunders including being on the embarrassing end of an infield-fly-rule double-play, missed signs on offense and defense, and balls dropping in the outfield a few steps away from fielders are not covered under any standard Zeibart warranty. Kyle Kelsey took the loss for the Braves in game one. In the nightcap, the Braves jumped out to an early lead, facing the second Tiger southpaw pitcher of the day and were up 4-0 in the fourth before Braves pitcher Matt Beckstead, aka the M-Train, ran out of steam. A trio of bullpen arms couldn’t tame the Tiger’s bats while defensive and fundamental miscues added to the Braves’ woes, as the Peterborough nine, defending AA Provincial Champions, mounted a comeback 14-4 mercy-shortened victory. Ryan Kerstens set a Braves’ record of sorts, collecting six walks for the day and catcher Jeff Lake went 3 for 3 with an RBI in the second game and contributed a hit in the first game. The Braves are in action on Canada Day weekend when they host Whitby on Saturday, June 30 at Megaffin Park
Monday,June 25, 2007
Braves Barnstorm Bytown
Click here for photos of the Braves adventure at Lynx Stadium, Ottawa, ON.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Academic obligations postpone Braves game Sunday, June 17.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 Braves Alumni(click here) lead QE Raiders to KASSAA 2007 Baseball Championship
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Bunnies @ Braves PPD-Rain

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Braves Bombed Back-To-Back
Seven, count 'em, seven base on balls and a couple of errors led to 7 unearned Pickering runs in a 9-0 drubbing in the first game of a late afternoon twinbill. The second game resulted in a similar outcome as the Braves could only muster a single run in a 7-1 loss. The Red Sox pounded five of their seven hits in the third inning, scoring four runs. Click here for game photos
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Braves Win Season Openers
For a team in a rebuilding year, opening the baseball season in a place called Port Hope seemed fitting. The 2007 edition of the Kingston Braves can no longer rely on the offensive weapons that carried them to a Provincial Championship in 2006, as veteran sluggers Garrison, Devine, Vallier, Storring and Sullivan have moved on. Yet with a mix of eight returning veterans, six rookie players, a rookie coach and a manager and coach lured back from a brief off-season retirement, the Braves started the new season the way they ended the previous one, outscoring their opponent in a mercy-shortened seven inning game, winning 15-2 over the Port Hope River Rats. Veteran pitcher Ken McIlroy notched his first win of the short season, leaving the game in the 6th inning without allowing a run. McIlroy ran into trouble in the fifth inning, loading the bases with none out, but pitched out of the inning unharmed. Rookie Colin Greenwood relieved the starter and was tested in his first EOBA midget outing, pitching well yet allowing two runs to cross the plate. Rookie catcher Fraser Nash wielded a big stick for the Braves, driving in runs with a double and triple and received high praise for his work behind the plate from his battery-mate McIlroy. "Fraser called a great game," recounted K-Mac, savouring the victory. "I only shook him off twice." Veterans Ryan Kerstens, Jeff Lake, Brad Yott, Dom Lazzarino and Kyle Kelsey all contributed at the plate, with 2nd baseman Kerstens short-hopping a double off the centerfield fence. For game two on this day, the team traveled north to Peterborough and handed the ball to veteran hurler Matt Beckstead. The Braves jumped out to an early lead with Ryan Kerstens setting the table with a lead-off double and eventually scoring to hand Beckstead a 1-0 lead. The M-Train was overpowering batters in the early going, but unforced errors led to unearned runs and Beckstead found himself on the back end of a 5-2 ball game in the middle innings. After seven well pitched innings, Beckstead, who deserved a better outcome but for the lack of support, handed the leather sphere to reliever Bain. In the top of the eighth, down by three runs and two out with a runner at first, the Braves hit consecutive singles courtesy of McIlroy, who was a late inning right field replacement, and rookie Liam Conway, who replaced rookie Jesse Lemon at shortstop. Veterans Kersten and Lake then hit back to back doubles, each accounting for 2 RBI apiece to take a 6-5 lead in an inning that saw eight Braves at bat. Diminutive Jeff Lake, one of Kingston's trio of catchers, protected the plate late in the game as a Peterborough Tiger runner was gunned down by shortstop Liam Conway. In the ensuing contact, Lake, who usually displays his skills as a middle infielder, stood his ground to record the critical out. Braves outfielders Lazzarino and Yott, hailing from Prince Edward County, played solid defense and made some difficult catches in the big outfield of Riverside Park. The Braves added another run in the ninth inning when rookie first-basemen A.J Louzon drove in a run with a deep centerfield double. Reliever Brent Bain took the hill in the bottom half of the eighth and pitched two masterful innings as the Braves won 7-5. Kingston manager Steve Vallier said the "team showed some character battling back and it was good to see the veterans stepping up…" The Braves are 2-0 and travel to Pickering next Saturday to face the Red Sox. Click here for game photos.
From the May 29,2007 Kingston Whig Standard Braves Sweep Road Weekend
Kingston Braves scored four runs in the bottom of the eighth inning to overturn a three-run deficit on their way to a 7-5 win over Peterborough in Eastern Ontario Baseball Association midget play Saturday. The victory gave the Braves a sweep of their weekend games, after they thrashed Port Hope 15-2 earlier in the day. The Braves took an early lead but they trailed Peterborough 5-2 after seven innings before a two run double by Ryan Kerstens and a two run single by Jeff Lake sent Kingston into the lead. An RBI double by AJ Lauzon produced an insurance run in the ninth. Matt Beckstead allowed just three hits and one earned run in seven innings for the Braves. Brent Bain closed with two no-hit innings of relief. Earlier in Port Hope, Kingston scored in each of the first six innings and broke the game open with a five run fifth. Kerstens, Lake, Kyle Kelsey, Fraser Nash and Dom Lazzarino each had two hits for Kingston, as eight of the Braves 13 hits were for extra bases. Kerstens scored three times and drove in two. Kenny McIlroy struck out seven in six innings and allowed just threehits to gain the pitching win. **************** Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Braves are anxious to get their 2007 season underway.The last two Tuesday practices have been shortened, last week due to torrential rain and last night due to darkness after a hydro transformer on Montreal Street exploded like a May 24th Roman candle, short circuiting the old ball yard's lighting system. And this past weekend's games postponed due to a scheduling oversight has the club ready and willing to play.


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