It is official....the Franklin Border Kings win their 4th consecutive Border League title!
Ask about our windup on Sept. 26 at the DC Golf Course!
And remember...if you haven't seen it before, chances are you'll see it at a Border Kings game!
Countdown to Our next possible championship! (Aug 15/10)
Welcome to the Franklin Border Kings Home Page.
To describe our team, I have to use the words of Matt Dyck: "If you haven't seen it happen, chances are you'll see it happen at a Border Kings game!
David "What kind Of Pills Do You Need" Smith
Matt "I've got a line on Puhols" Fetsch
Darren "Slowest Man on Earth...Really" Boutang
Louis "2 Walks and an HBP" Cote
Perry "The Beausejour Bomber" Nazarewich
Russ "Mr. Burns" Kihn
Tanner "Import #1" Carpenter
Greg "Hiway Hog" Smith
Delvyn "Version 2.0" Cote
Brendan "I'm Not That Grumpy!" Harz
Jared "I Am That F$*ing Grumpy!" Driedger
Jason "Yes, I do Make the Lineup and I Am Playing Shortstop" Mateychuk
Kelly "Does Anyone Know Where McDonald's Is?" Gregoire
Chad "Is Greg here yet" Hildebrand
Brett "I'm hoping to return" Stewart
Matt "Really With A Last Name Like Dyck...Do I need to Say More?" Dyck
Jon "Where's Joyce?" Heese
Jeremy "Try to Run On Me" Culleton
Pete "WTP (Warning Track Power)" Fehr
Marcus "All I have Left Is My Glove!" Samborski
Garet "Import #2" Molde
Luke "Yup...I am Invisible!" Paulson
Daryl "This game isn't that hard!" Rodewald
Chris "Why Do they Call Me Bernie?" Smook
Justin "Did You Really Think I Was Going To Show Up For More Than 1 Game" Smook