Top row :Warren Oikawa, Nathan Hewitt, Rob Thompson, Tim Wilkins, Dusty McAvoy, Phil Deeks, Darren Shane,Dave McConnell, Paul Langley, Josh Karls, Troy Latrace

Front row : Chad Miller, Rob Harley, Beau Simpson, Dean Svenson, Kirk Lezama, Seth Maury, Mark Pottie


                                                                                 WE ARE 2024 CHAMPIONS IN THE 45 DIVISION


We are the 2024 champions in the 45+ division 2 years in a row with a 10 to 4 win over the Burnaby Pirates. We are in the record books for being a 2 trophy winner 2 years in a row, winning the league play trophy and play off trophy. Josh Karls went 2 for 3 , 2 RBI'S and Chad Miller as well went 2 for 3 WITH 3 RBI's. Pirates walked Dean Svenson to load the bases for Chad Miller a stick that only struck out once in 30 yrs. Wow great decision of course Chad got a hit . Dean Svenson pitched 5 strong innings and got the win, he gave up 2 runs, Rob Thompson closed it out only giving up 2 runs in 4 innings. We were down 2 to nothing  in the 4th. What started the ball rolling Kirk Lezama lead off with a lead off single , woke the guys up stealing 2nd, Beaned Nathan Hewitt, 2 guys on Tim Wilkins hit a double, scored Kirk to get rid of the goose egg, Walked Dean to load the bases up, Chad came up basehit down 1st base side , 2 scored , walked Paul Langley Josh Karls hit a double scored our 5th run with only 1 out. We were up 5 to 2 and never looked back. We put Mark Pottie in the books getting a Championship for him , the 1st one in 24 years , proud to have him on the team and gift him with a win. I would like to say thank you to Rob Harley sticking with me through bad years and good years. He is leaving us to Surrey Sun Devils. Rob played with us when we started this team. He is leaving us as a champion as I said noboby can take that away from him. Also like say Thank you to Darren Shane as he moving to Japan, he too was with us from the begining, I was true to my promise to him we will win have faith, He did. Happy wife, Happy life, good luck in Japan comeback and play when u visit. 

MVP player of the game would be Kirk for waking us up with a stolen base that started the big inning, honarable mention Josh Karls and the Richmond Red Sox for not giving up being behind. I would also say our defense in the infield was spectacular . Dusty McAvoy , Rob Thompson and Troy Latrace,  Chad Miller , Darren Shane and Tim Wilkins, Tim played phenomenal at times making throws lying down after diving after a grounder . SS Chad Miller, Paul Langley, and Darren Shane all turned DP's, Chad like Tim were diving stopping the ball from a base hit and throwing guys out , 3rd base Nathan was steady made everything look routine, Rob Harley any ball hit to him in the glove always got the out. Left Field with the addition of Josh Karls big arm and made every out hit to him, CF , Kirk Lezama was a STUD out there made a diving catch when we needed a out. Pitching WOW!!! Dean Svenson, Rob Thompson, Rob Harley , Darren Shane, Paul Langley , Mark Pottie, Nathan Hewitt and Troy Latrace gave us our best record in Red Sox history 13 and 3 , last year we were 12 and 3. Catchers best blocker Beau Simpson , Tim Wilkins THE LEADER , threw out the most runners

 I would like the give a special thanks to our new players that showed leadership and team spirit : Chad Miller, Paul Langley , Mark Pottie, Josh Karls and Troy Latrace




















































  • Welcome to the Richmond Red Sox 2024 Champions
  • Champs 2024 , League play and Play offs
  • www.graphicresultonline.com Uniform and T-shirts, Hoodies made for any team
  • Next Game : 2025
Recent Results
Sat Sep 14/24 10:00am:
Burnaby 45+ Pirates 4
Richmond Red Sox 10
Sat Sep 7/24 9:00am:
Surrey Sun Devils 7
Richmond Red Sox 10

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21st October, 2024
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Quarter finals Sept 7th 10 am

(Sep 7, 2024 @ 9:00am)

Finals Sept 14th at 10am

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