Official Home of the Aldergrove Isotopes

 The Aldergrove Giants have become the Aldergrove Isotopes. Same team, just new name and new jerseys

Aldergrove Senior Mens Baseball has represented the Community for many years travelling the Lower Mainland playing high calibre baseball. Aldergrove Senior Mens Baseball started in 1996 the team has gone through several name changes before settling on the Giants in 1997.

 The Original team started in 1995 and was located in Langley and was called the Mustangs. That team lasted one year and then moved to Aldergrove in 1996. For the 1996 sesaon the team called it'self the Aldergrove A's, the A's were part of Senior Mens Baseball League expansion in the newly created Lower Mainland Baseball Association. (LMBA)

For the 1997 season the team kept the Giants name and they started a four year run of reaching the finals in the +30 Division of the LMBA. This resulted in back to back championships in 1999 and 2000.

In 2004,  the team decided to restructure itself and play in the 18+ Division of the LMBA.

The Aldergrove Giants have won two division titles and one league championship in the 18+ division.

The Aldergrove Giants in 2016  made another major move and moved up to the +30 Division of the of the LMBA.

The 2019 season will be the Giants fourth in the +30 Division 

We are back for 2022!!  The Isotopes are looking for a few players, anyone interested e-mail







  • Were back!!! After more than 30 years the team name Giants has been retired and we are now known as the Aldergrove Isotopes.
  • we are looking for quality ball players if you are interested in playing good competitive baseball please send us an email.
Upcoming Games
Fri Jul 26/24 7:00pm:
@ Latrace Field
Aldergrove Chiefs -
Richmond Athletics -
Sat Jul 27/24 9:00am:
@ Robert Burnaby
Delta Stars -
Burnaby 45+ Pirates -
Sat Jul 27/24 9:00am:
@ South Surrey
Richmond Red Sox -
Surrey Sun Devils -
Sat Jul 27/24 12:00pm:
@ Robert Burnaby Park
North Vancouver Pirates -
Vancouver Vipers -
Sat Jul 27/24 6:00pm:
@ Hillcrest Park
Newton Pirates -
Vancouver Capilanos -
Sat Jul 27/24 6:30pm:
@ Fairfield Park
Richmond Rainiers -
Chilliwack Cubs -
Sun Jul 28/24 9:00am:
@ Holly Park (7 innings)
Langley Knights -
Central City Dodgers -
Sun Jul 28/24 9:00am:
@ Robert Burnaby Park (7 innings)
Howe Sound Hounds -
Burnaby Pirates -
Sun Jul 28/24 11:30am:
@ Holly Park (7 innings)
Central City Dodgers -
Langley Knights -
Sun Jul 28/24 11:30am:
@ Robert Burnaby (7 innings)
Burnaby Pirates -
Howe Sound Hounds -
Sun Jul 28/24 3:00pm:
@ Holly Park (7 innings)
Burnaby Blue Jays -
Newton Royals -
Sun Jul 28/24 3:00pm:
@ Hillcrest Park
Vancouver Blue Jays -
Vancouver Mounties -
Sun Jul 28/24 4:00pm:
@ Walnut Grove Park
Albion Braves -
North Langley Expos -
Sun Jul 28/24 5:00pm:
@ Dugald Morrison Park
Newton Beavers -
South Delta Padres -
Sun Jul 28/24 5:30pm:
@ Hillcrest Park
Vancouver Mounties -
Vancouver Blue Jays -
Sun Jul 28/24 5:30pm:
@ Holly Park (7 Innings)
Newton Royals -
Burnaby Blue Jays -
Fri Aug 9/24 7:00pm:
@ South Aldergrove
Albion Braves -
Aldergrove Chiefs -
Fri Aug 9/24 7:00pm:
@ Latrace Field
Vancouver Blue Jays -
Richmond Athletics -
Sat Aug 10/24 9:00am:
@ South Surrey
Delta Stars -
Surrey Sun Devils -
Sat Aug 10/24 9:00am:
@ Robert Burnaby
Richmond Red Sox -
Burnaby 45+ Pirates -

Countdown to
Away game vs Howe Sound Hounds- Parkgate Field

(Jun 19, 2022 @ 10:00am)

WOOT WOOT. It's here!

Recent Results
Sun Jul 21/24 6:30pm:
South Delta Padres 5
Vancouver Mounties 1

Aldergrove Weather

26th July, 2024
Few Clouds
Wind: 0.89 meter/sec