The BRICK Award is given to the player on the team who best demonstrates the following characteristics :


B - Bold (Willing to stand up for team, self, and what is right)
R - Responsible (Always takes care of what needs to be done)
I - Intelligent (Takes care of things in the classroom - grade, discipline, ACT)
C - Competitive (Hates to lose, expects the best from self and teammates)
K - Kicks Butt (Plays through injury, Sacrifices self & time, Never gives up)

This award is special to me because I know that each winner has given so much for Crockett County Volleyball.  I refuse to water the award down.  It is only given in years that there is a deserving winner.  Each winner MUST exemplify ALL of the characteristics to be a winner of the BRICK Award. 
1999 - Casey Porter
2000 - Kristina Brasfield
2001 - Elizabet
h Schwartz
2002 - Anne-Taylor Kail
2004 - Candice Thompson
2005 - Candice Thompson
2007 - Heather Beasley
2008 - Laura Argo
2009 - Abby East
2010 - Kailey Rigby
2011 - Crystal Climer
2013 - Savannah Pillow
2015 - Elli Pratt

2017 - Ruby Diaz

2018 - Ruby Diaz

2019 - Madelyn Woods

2020 - Hadley Mansfield


Upcoming Games

There are no upcoming games to display.

2009 Random State Pix
Mud Volleyball 09
2010 Mud Volleyball
2013 High School Season
2009 Random State Pix
2013 High School Season
2009 Random State Pix
Massey Signing
2009 FHU Scrimmage
2013 High School Season

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