Lannon Stonemen Baseball

Minutes – September 12, 2017 Board Meeting

Financial Report 

Outstanding bill for 2017 is the field fees estimated at $3,700.  Approved payment.

Cash balance estimated at $8,800 to end 2017 season.

KEI invoice issue.  Bob to contact Nate and report back next meeting.

               Field Improvement Projects

  • Field day finalized – October 15 at 7am, need post on website and Facebook.
  • New mound on Joecks Field estimate came in at $2,750. Board will review and discuss options with City and adult team.   Tarps to be ordered by Mike.   
  • New home plate approved for Joecks, to be installed on October field day.
  • Aeration equipment and winterizing to be done on field day. (Bob and Eric).
  • Mounds on Dawson and Schneider to be extended.  Field day project.
  • Add batter box circles to each field – Field day project. 
  • Discussion continued on shed for Dawson.  To be continued.
  • Work with Shane at Rams to have fields rolled again this Spring.

2018 Registration

  • Discussed and approved an online registration process. (Jim Ash)
  • Uniform options discussed and still under review.  (Jim and Scott)
  • Managers – required to update website with uniform numbers and correct email addresses

Indoor Facility

Mike updated the board on status of indoor facility options.  Negotiations ongoing.

               Spirit Wear

 Board agreed to open spirit wear once registration process is finalized.  


  • Please evaluate your equipment and email Scott Schauer for any needs.  Bring unwanted equipment to next board meeting.

               New Board Positions for 2018, Finalized & Approved

                              President – Mike Serembiczky

                              VP – Scott Schauer

                              Secretary – Nate Dosch

                              Treasurer – Steve Heisdorf

                              Trustees – Dan Knuf, Dave Ausloos, Andy Tusic, Jim Ash

                              Background Checks – Jim Ash

                              Coach Evaluations - Brian Schwartz

                              Field Maintenance and Improvement – Bob Schultz

                              Tryout Coordinator – Dale Anderson

                              Indoor Coordinator – Dave Ausloos

                              Spirit Wear, Uniforms, Equipment – Scott Schauer, Dave Knuf

                              Squirts – Mike Serembiczky

                              Registration – Jim Ash, Steve Heisdorf

                              Player/Coach Development – Ron Prete

                              Lions Daze – Nate Dosch

                              Website – Terry Daniels, Steve Heisdorf              

                              Social Media – Nate Dosch, Lisa Slavic

                              Fundraising – TBD

Next Meeting – October 10, 2017 – Garage Inc, W250N9271 Clearview Drive, Sussex – 7pm


Lannon Stonemen Baseball

Board Meeting Minutes – August 8, 2017 Meeting

Financial Report 

outstanding bill for 2017 is the field fees. 

  • Cash balance estimated at $7400 based on the balance sheet.
  • $500 Land of Lakes field donation collected.

            Potential Field Improvement Projects

  • Drain tile on Dawson and Schneider – meeting with city planned.
  • New mound on Joecks Field. Estimate meeting planned.
  • Second batting cage between Dawson and Schneider.
  • Second shed and/or moving existing shed.
  • Improve mounds on both Dawson and Schneider.
  • Add batter box circles to each field.
  • Scoreboard for Dawson.


  • 14 Lannon Teams for 2018 season.
  • Player down payment fees – unpaid report emailed out.
  • Board to finalize registration dates, times, and location at Sept 12, 2017 meeting.

            Indoor Facility

  • Board had in depth discussion of pros and cons between indoor facility options.
  • No decisions made as further information needs to be gathered.

            Spirit Wear

                        Board agreed to open Spirit Wear in September. 


  • 2018 program is complete and went well. 
  • Closing email sent out to the parents of participating players.      

            Majors vs. State

  • Board discussed pros and cons of major’s vs state in an effort for all coaches to make best decision for their team. 
  • Majors – fees $525 per team however baseballs & playoffs included. 
  • State - $200 per team – does not include baseballs – no playoffs.
  • Lannon teams finished overall just under 500. 
  • Majors vs. State competitive comparison appears equal based on team records in each.

            Board Responsibilities / Positions

Jim Ash to take over Background Check program. 

New managers and coaches will be subjected to a background check.            

Board positions to be discussed and voted on at Sept 12 meeting.

               Next Meeting – September 12th – Garage Inc, W250N9271 Clearview Drive, Sussex – 7pm


Lannon Stonemen Baseball

Board Meeting Minutes from Sunday June 4, 2017


·        Financial Report

o   Estimated balance for end of season is still sitting at approximately $1400 not including the results of the  hit-a-thon fundraiser and Squirts registration.

·        Field Updates

o   Dawson and Schneider infields require more baseball mix (clay, sand, dirt)

o   Once fundraising total is finalized we will decide to move forward with adding mix to Dawson & Schneider.

o   Rosen to provide artificial turf for batting cages

o   Mike working on a replacement sleeve for the 2nd batting cage.  Estimated time frame is July

·        Fundraising

§  Hit-a-Thon went extremely well and it will clearly out pace last year’s totals.   Lisa, Amy, and volunteers did a terrific job especially with inclement weather!

§  Team participation was up from last year dramatically.   

§  Winners from each team were announced via email and posted on the website. 

§  Pledged funds must be collected and turned in by June 25th.     

§  14yr olds would still like to play coach’s – looking to schedule in July – Prete to handle.  

·        Board Positions

o   Vote will take place at September board meeting

o   Needs around website, social media, communications and other positions/committees are a priority.

o   We really need U8 and U9 coaches to step and consider board positions.

·        Tryouts/Registration/Evaluations

o   Tryouts scheduled, Sunday July 23rd, Wednesday July 26th and Sunday July 30th – Dale is the tryout coordinator.

o   Board reviewed and had all positive feedback on Mike’s documents regarding our league mission statement, structure, and coach / team selections for 2018 season.  Posting on the website.  

o   Need to start advertising for coach’s at 8U level.   

o   Board approved Mike’s final version of Survey Monkey and has been emailed to the parents.

o   Head Coach’s should also forward the email to parents with encouragement to complete the survey.

·        Squirts (5-8 yr. olds)

  • 30+ kids have registered for the 2017 Squirts program.  

o   Discussed additional advertising in the Falls for additional squirts.   

o   Dates are confirmed, Saturdays starting July 22nd through August 19th (26th is a rain out date)

o   Google share file in coordinating coaches, please sign up for at least one session

·        Other

o   Reminder, we will be participating in the Lions Daze parade, July 16th

o   Mike to contact PST about indoor agreement for next year. We are not ruling out a closer location if something comes to fruition.    

  • Next meeting;
  • Garage Inc. (Prete’s house) – W250N9271 CLEARVIEW DRIVE, SUSSEX, 53089 – June 25th – Sunday - 7pm.  


Lannon Stonemen Baseball

Board Meeting Minutes from Monday, May 1st, 2017


·        Financial Report

o   Estimated balance for end of season is approximately $1,400.  We still have the hit-a-thon and squirts to bring in additional funds. 

o   Board agreed to make sure we get each purchase pre-approved in an effort to keep a close eye on cash flow. 

·        Field Updates

o   Dawson and Schneider infield project is complete. 

§  Board agreed to purchase additional MVP mix and additional watering if necessary.

§  Board approved donation to Menomonee Falls Fire Department – $100

o   No longer have access to Lisbon Fields as of April 30th

o   Board is requesting all managers do a better job of keeping website calendar up to date and accurate. Please review/update calendar/schedule, needed for makeup games and for additional practice times.

o   Batting cage is up.  Jimmy Rosen has turf we can use for pitching and hitting area.

o   Rosen provided Dennis a guideline sheet on how we want the fields prepared for games and how to handle rain situations. 

o   Rosen is getting keys made for the lights and will put a combo lock on the lights gate.  Same combination as shed.   

o   Special thanks to Eric Terrizzi, Todd Hoffman, and Shane Wolfinger for bringing out equipment to finalize the field project!   

·        Fundraising

o   Hit-a-Thon update – June 3rd, 3PM, coaches vs. U14, 7PM

§  Email for Hit-a-Thon registration was sent out. 

§  We ask each manager to please encourage your team to participate and get pledges.

§  We are hoping each player can raise a minimum of $50

§  Coach’s practice for the fundraiser game – May 19th Friday – 7:45pm – Joecks.   

§  Next fundraiser meeting May 16, Tuesday – Rumors

o   Beer/Wine tasting wrap up – binder and final invoice – important to document the process for future events.

·        Board Positions

o   Vote will take place at September board meeting

o   Needs around website, social media, communications and other positions/committees are a priority.

o   We really need U8 and U9 coaches to step and consider board positions.

·        Tryouts/Registration

o   Tryouts scheduled, Sunday July 23rd, Wednesday July 26th and Sunday July 30th

o   Board had good discussion on team formation – nothing finalized.  This will be priority at next two meetings. 

·        Uniform, Equipment, and Spirit Wear

o   Schneider shed now has 4 new rakes, a tamper and 4 tarps with stakes (2 @ 10’ and 2 @ 12’)

§  At the beginning of the game, take mound tarp off, adjust mound length as needed, put in bases and get it done

§  At the end of the game, rake/repair home plate, mound and drag/rake infield skin, put tarps on mound/home plate, put bases back in the shed

§  Prete sent email to Joeck’s coaches on post-game duties.  Tamper, rakes, and drag will be kept in the dugout.

o   Third Spirit wear is complete and all went well.  Thank you Scott Schauer!

·        Coach and Player Development

o   Catcher’s clinic went well, 15-20 kids showed.  Great job Mike!    

o   Coach’s evaluation to occur in June – Mike to finalize using “survey monkey”

·        Squirts (5-8 yr. olds)

  • 20 kids as of May 1st (20 same time last year).  16 have paid already.

o   Discussed additional advertising but agreed we are good.

o   Dates are confirmed, Saturdays starting July 22nd through August 19th (26th is a rain out date)

o   Google share file in coordinating coaches, please sign up for at least one session

·        Other

o   Greg B. running a high school team, 11 of 13 interested with May 12th as registration deadline

o   Reminder, we will be participating in the Lions Daze parade, July 16th

o   Discussed hosting a tournament.  Not enough parking and level of effort are a major concern.  Board decided against it.   

  • Next meeting;
  • Garage Inc. (Prete’s house) – W250N9271 CLEARVIEW DRIVE, SUSSEX, 53089 – June 4th – Sunday - 7pm.  


Lannon Stonemen Baseball

Board Meeting – Minutes  

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


In Attendance:


Serembiczky, Shauer, Slavic, Tetting, Terrizzi, Hagen, Wolfinger, Ash, Lang, Ausloos & Anderson


  • Financial Report

    • Approximately $42,000 in cash currently of which $3,500 is uncommitted or reserve funds after anticipated expenses

    • Need to confirm total games and umpire costs by league. Coaches to provide Scott S. with number of games played and league team plays in so Scott can write a check for umpire fees to coaches.


  • Village of Lannon Board Update

    • Lannon Trustee elect Tom Gudex introduced himself to the board, provided his background and was on hand to better understand the Lannon Stonemen Baseball program and its interaction with Lannon and the surrounding communities


  • Field Improvements

    • KEI’s work on Dawson and Schneider

      • Tuesday, May 9th is first game and work is delayed due to weather.Dirt needs to be dry 4” deep for work to proceed

      • Jimmy R. has procured Menomonee Falls water trucks but having problems getting ahold of them to confirm date and times; RAMS may also have an option for water trucks if needed

      • If extra sod it was agreed to utilize on Joecks in front of backstop due to gravel, extensive weed growth, and upturning of fence at backstop.Dale A.

      • By next board meeting Mike S. will put together an expectations document for using Schneider/Dawson and post game maintenance

    • KEI’s proposal on Joeck’s mound

      • Jim A. & Ron P. to take lead

    • Field preparation

      • Aeration and weed & feed needed on all fields

        • Eric T. to get quote a 3rd party application of weed & feed

        • Concern over weed and feed application and any DNR restrictions due to wetlands behind the fields

        • Word that Dennis aerated Joecks is false based on field feedback received

      • Port-a-John and garbage cans set up needed at fields

      • Schneider & Joecks batting cage net installation; Dennis will do prior to May 1st but may need help

    • Field Day improvements approved for Saturday, April 29th  from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

      • Will include rolling of fields with rolling equipment provided by RAMs


  • Lisbon Fields Update

    • Lisbon field usage updates provided zero negative comments from Lisbon or the Stonemen organization


  • Uniform, Equipment, and Spirit Wear

    • Tarps have been ordered for fields; installation and removal instructions will be provided to coaches

    • Other equipment

      • Eric T. has 3 drags for the fields

      • Rakes and tampers needed at all 3 fields; Mike S. to handle procurement

    • Spirit Wear closed with strong sales

    • Hit-a-Thon Shirts being ordered


  • Fundraising

  • Beer/Wine tasting wrap up

    • Raised approximately $18,467 with a cost of $6,595.Net = $11,872

    • 75% ($8,904) to U12 & 25% ($2,968) to organization

    • Cheri to finalize in a binder everything learned from the beer tasting event for future planning

  • Hit-a-Thon update – June 3rd, 3PM, coaches vs. U14, 7PM

    • Meeting held March 21st with a follow up meeting scheduled for April 25th at 7:00 to be held at Rumors

    • Donation forms & Hit-a-Thon packet will be provided to coaches for handout to the team which will be coordinated by the team’s designated parent volunteer

    • Event registration is already live on website


  • Indoor Facility

    • April 16th is our last day

      • No teams planning on indoor practice

      • Mike S. to close down equipment box at PST facility

    • Open discussion on next year

      • Impact Sports Facility in Menomonee Falls is an option from Nov. 1st – April 13th for approximately the same costs as last year

      • Time slots would most likely be 1.5 hours, longer duration in terms of weeks, bigger facility & closer location for most families


  • Background Checks

    • Training

      • Approximately 7 coaches still need to complete training or won’t be allowed to coach – Deadline is May 1st

    • Brian T. will take over background checks next year in place of Jim Lang.Jim will train Brian

    • Coaches will be required to repeat training every 2 years


  • Coach and Player Development

    • Draft questions in place, focus is on head coach with questions for assistants

      • Draft of survey questions reviewed with proposals for additional questions and deletions of questions

      • Will utilize Survey Monkey; Jim Lang offered up his account to utilize for coaches survey

    • Catcher’s clinic TBD

      • Tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd at Joecks field


  • Squirts (5-8 yr. olds)

    • Advertising

      • Lisa S. will advertise in area school newsletters

    • 17 kids registered thus far and will cap at 60

    • Will look to start the program the 3rd week in July


  • Website

    • Jim Lang replacement

      • No replacement yet to volunteer for this role; willing to carve up duties/responsibilities of those who may be interested

    • Next steps on the website, communications, and social media

      • Ballcharts costs approximately $100/year


  • Tryouts/Registration

    • Brief mention that we need to start planning for 2017 and look into ways to improve upon last year’s process


  • Open Discussion

    • Approved the fielding of a high school team for 2017 to be coached by Greg B.

      • 11 of 13 players from last year wanted to play with strong interest from other players

      • May 12th is deadline for team registration

      • 10 game schedule with 5 Home games at Joecks Field (Wed., Sat. or Sun. games).Games played between June 3rd - July 27th

      • Costs covered by parents.Scott S. to help order any uniform needs

    • Brian T. to ask Julie K. if she wants to run Lions Daze parade again this year

    • Cheri and Amy to share a tax deduction form to include in Handouts section of website


Next meeting:  

Tuesday, May 2,, 2017

Meeting starts at 6:30 PM

Location - Ron Prete’s house


Lannon Stonemen Baseball

Board Meeting – Minutes  

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


In attendance;

Serembiczky, Schauer, Prete, Heisdorf, Slavic, Tetting, Terrizzi, McCrary, Rosen, Hagen, Schultz, Wolfinger

  1. Financial Report
    1. Updated season ending balance is still estimated around $5,500 which does include an estimated profit from Hit-a-Thon.    
    2. Remaining league payouts for 2017 season are team umpire fees, insurance, and field improvement work.
  1. Field allocation for game and practice scheduling
    1. Board approved fee for field usage at Halquist & Stone Family Park. 
    2. Final schedule has been put out to teams for usage of these fields. 
  1. Uniform, Equipment, and Spirit Wear
    1. Uniforms should have already been picked up and handed out including coach’s jerseys. 
    2. Scott plans to open last spirit wear the day after the fundraiser and we plan to advertise it at the event.
    3. We have 50 small/medium hats to sell at the fundraiser - $20 a hat. 
    4. Donation of 3 new drags was made and Mike to look into purchasing tarps, rakes and tampers along with a new shed.
  1. Fundraising
  1. Beer/Wine tasting date is March 25, 2017 at Village Bowl –7pm. 
  2. We have sold close to 400 tickets. 
  3. Mike is going to look into possibly having Kohl’s volunteers help at the fundraiser.
  4. Each Lannon team is required to provide a $100 raffle basket and if your team has not – please turn in immediately.    
  5. Review of the event was presented and we sound ready to go. 
  6. Board had a good discussion about continuing the beer/wine tasting in future years and potential issues that may arise.  
  7. Hit-a-Thon is scheduled for June 3 starting at 3pm, coaches vs. 14yr old teams – 7pm. 
  8. Board agreed to purchase Burghardt’s gift cards for hit-a-thon winners. 
  9. Lisa confirmed that the Hit-a-Thon team that raises the most money will win the Brewers Suite again.
  10. Next Fundraising meeting is at Boneyard March 21, 2017 starting at 7pm.   Please contact Lisa Slavic for any questions or concerns regarding fundraising -
  1. Background Checks
    1. Brian Tetting will take over the background checks for next season. 
  1. Indoor Facility 
    1. Mike confirmed with owner of PST that the new 3rd cage can only be used if vacant.    
    2. If you have not picked up your first aid kit please do so.  They are in the lock box at PST. 
  1. Coach and Player Development
    1. Mike and Ron will be working on a coach’s evaluation form for parents to fill out so we can get good feedback on our coaching staff.    
    2. We are still planning on a catcher’s clinic as long as weather and field availability works out.  More information to come.
  1. Squirts
    1. The flyers have been distributed to schools and sign ups have begun.   We have many sign ups already and well ahead of last year’s pace.
  1. Website
    1. We are still looking for a replacement to Jim Lang to run our website for next season. 
    2. We discussed an emphasis on improving the website, communications, and social media for next season. 
  1. Field Improvements (minutes from KEI Meeting on March 10 at Lannon fields)
    1. Mike, Scott, Ron, and Jimmy met with KEI landscaping.   We had a very good meeting and discussed timeline for new infields and brainstormed about potential water sources.
    2. Dennis and Ducher from Lannon were also in attendance and they did give us approval to move or take down the shed.   They are also looking to a potential water source for us.
    3. Dennis confirmed we do have a 2nd batting cage however there is a ground sleeve that needs to be replaced. 
    4. We discussed field prep for upcoming season with Dennis. 
    5. Land of Lakes representative also attended meeting and they are donating funds to replace the mound on Joeck’s.  KEI is going to provide a price for this work. 
    6. We walked around Joeck’s and all agree the infield and outfield must be rolled.
    7. The poles to support the netting on Schneider are up and look great.  Same with the protective dugout fencing on Joeck’s. 


Next Meeting;

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Meeting starts at 6:30pm

Location – Rumors Bar – Sussex 



Lannon Stonemen Baseball

Board Meeting – Minutes  

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


In attendance;

Serembiczky, Schauer, Prete, Anderson, Slavic, Tetting, Terrizzi, McCrary, Lang, Rosen, Ash

  1. Financial Report
    1. Updated season ending balance estimated at $5500.  This has increased due to savings found in several projects. 
    2. Uniform budget is at 16k.
  1. Field allocation for game and practice scheduling
    1. A few scheduling issues have arisen on Joeck’s.  Either they have been worked out or in the works.  No major issues at this time.
    2. Mike informed us Stone Family Park and Halquist Field will have availability offered to us for the month of April on Friday, Saturday, and Sundays. 
  1. Uniform, Equipment, and Spirit Wear
    1. Stonemen hats are in and have been handed out to most teams.    
    2. Board has agreed to supply 2 shirts per coach.  Must have completed background check.
    3. Most equipment needs have been addressed.  Again, if anybody has equipment needs please email
    4. Spirit wear final numbers are in and we sold $6300 in product which was almost triple our expected revenue.  Scott has the orders at his house and arrangements need to be made for pick up.    
    5. First aid kits have been purchased for each team and reside in the lock box at PST.  Please pick up at your next practice.  
  1. Fundraising
  1. Beer/Wine tasting date is March 25, 2017 at Village Bowl –7pm.  Village Bowl has a 350 maximum on attendance.
  2. Tickets have been distributed to each team and two tickets need to be sold by each player.   
  3. Money for the tickets needs to be turned in February 21 so unsold tickets can be re-allocated. 
  4. Each Lannon team will be required to provide a raffle basket with an approximate value of $100.  This is mandatory. 
  5. Beer/Wine tasting flyer was handed out and reviewed.  No objections – looks great.   
  6. Review of the event was presented and everything sounds organized and ready to go.
  7. Hit-a-Thon is scheduled for June 3 starting at 3pm, coaches vs. 14yr old teams – 7pm. 
  8. Board agreed to purchase Burghardt’s gift cards for hit-a-thon winners. 
  9. Next Fundraising meeting is at Boneyard February 21, 2017 starting at 7pm.   Please contact Lisa Slavic for any questions or concerns regarding fundraising -
  1. Background Checks
    1. Checks have all be completed and total cost for this project was $420. 
    2. The board agreed this safety check was worth the value and will continue next year.  Cost will be lower in 2018 since only new coaches will be required to complete.
  1. Coaches Clinic & Indoor Facility
    1. UWM coach’s clinic was a success with 18 participants.  Everyone agreed it was well run and very informative.  Thank you again Jimmy Rosen for setting this up.
    2. We have not had any recent complaints from PST indoor facility and seems to be going well. 
    3. PST has emailed a flyer to the Stonemen for select free access to HITTRAX as well as an  advertisement for a hitting league starting on March 18.   
  1. Coach and Player Development
    1. Mike and Ron will be working on a coach’s evaluation form for parents to fill out so we can get good feedback on our coaching staff.    
    2.  Board discussed Mike running a catcher’s clinic in March or April.  Working on the logistics.
  1. Squirts
    1. Flyer for registration has been finalized, posted on the website, emailed to the Stonemen community, and currently being distributed to the schools.    
  1. Website
    1. Jim Lang is looking for a replacement webmaster to begin transition of duties. 
    2. Mike expressed interest in pursuing a new website for next year and having a communications coordinator.


Next Meeting;

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Meeting starts at 6:30pm

Location –  Rumors Bar – Sussex 


Lannon Stonemen Baseball

Board Meeting – Minutes  

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


In attendance;

Serembiczky, Schauer, Prete, Anderson, Heisdorf, Slavic, Ausloos, Tetting, Terrizzi, McCrary, Lang, Rosen, Hagen, Schultz, Kroenke

  1. Financial Report
  1. Steve Heisdorf provided an updated spreadsheet of 2017 operating Budget and board reviewed.
  2. 2016 Season is paid out and complete.  Surplus was $2400.  Similar surplus targeted for 2017 season.   
  3. Only two players still owe full registration and outside of a few installment plans, 2017 registration is collected. 
  1. Field allocation for game and practice scheduling
    1. Please only post practice schedule to the Lannon calendar, only games to the game schedule. 
  1. Uniform, Equipment, and Spirit Wear
    1. Uniforms will be ordered this week.  New hats are posted on the website. 
    2. Scott sent out a final review to each coach to make any last minute changes to ensure order will be correct.   
    3. Most equipment needs have been addressed.  Again, if anybody has equipment needs please email
    4. Spirit wear is now closed and we had $2500 in revenue.  In comparison to previous ones this did quite well.  We will open another spirit wear order in late March/early April.
  1. Fundraising
  1. Beer/Wine tasting date is March 25, 2017 at Village Bowl –7pm.  Village Bowl has a 350 maximum on attendance.
  2. Insurance was discussed for the event and being looked into. 
  3. Each Lannon team will be required to provide a raffle basket with an approximate value of $100.  This is mandatory. 
  4. Each Lannon player will be required to sell 2 tickets to the Beer/Wine tasting. 
  5. We agreed to sell the new Lannon hats at the Beer/Wine tasting.
  6. Hit-a-Thon is scheduled for June 3 starting at 3pm, coaches vs. 14yr old teams – 7pm. 
  7. Next Fundraising meeting is at Boneyard January 17, 2017 starting at 7pm.   This is an important meeting since the fundraiser is right around the corner.  Please contact Lisa Slavic for any questions or concerns regarding fundraising -
  1. Background Checks
  1. 35 out of 37 coaches have completed the background check.  The deadline has passed so if this still needs to be completed please do so immediately.  Also, the child abuse online training course must be completed so if you have not completed please do so urgently.  Any questions or concerns please contact Jim Lang;
  1. Coaches Clinic & Indoor Facility
    1. UWM coach’s clinic is set for February 4 from 9am to 10:30am at UWM – Klotsche Center.  Reminder emails and further information will be sent out.  Clinic to be conducted by UWM coaching staff.   Each team is only allowed to bring 2 to 3 coaches. 
    2. Indoor Facility feedback was expressed.  Overall feedback was good, some minor issues were mentioned like it was a little cold, lighting could be better, batting cage nets could be more secure. 
    3. Mike was informed a few teams used the hit trax cage.  That cage is completely off limits.
  1. Squirts
    1. Board agreed to shorten Squirts to 5 weeks with same time frame of 2hrs and 15 minutes.  July 22nd start date ending Aug 19th with a makeup day of August 26.


Next Meeting;

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Meeting starts at 6:30pm

Location –  Rumors Bar – Sussex 


Lannon Stonemen Baseball Board Meeting – Minutes  
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

In attendance;
Mike Serembiczky, Scott Schauer, Ron Prete, Dale Anderson, Jim Ash, Steve Heisdorf, Lisa Slavic, Todd Hoffman, Dave Ausloos, Brian Tetting, Eric Terrizzi

1.    Financial Report
a.    Steve Heisdorf provided an updated spreadsheet of 2017 operating Budget and board reviewed.
b.    Tournament Checks for upcoming season were handed out to those in attendance.  
2.    Field allocation for game scheduling
a.    Still pending – deadline extended. 
b.    No games or practices can be scheduled on Dawson or Schneider until May 8, 2017 due to new infields.   
3.    Uniform, Equipment, and Spirit Wear
a.     Scott ordered approximately new equipment for various teams as well as the game/practice baseballs.
b.    Equipment will be available for pickup at Scott’s house this Saturday from noon to 4PM, his address is W238N7085 Michele Lane.  Scott’s email for questions or concerns;
c.    Spirit wear discussed and board voted to open up spirit wear on Burghardts website in December with zero commitment to deliver goods by xmas.  
d.    Board approved via vote to move to graphite pants w/ new orange and blue jerseys, and possibly alternate graphite jersey as part of our official uniform for 2017.    
4.    Fundraising
a.    Beer/Wine tasting date is March 25, 2017 at Village Bowl – Tentatively starting at 7pm.  Village Bowl has a 350 maximum on attendance. 
b.    Each Lannon team will be required to provide a raffle basket with an approximate value of $100.  This is mandatory.  
c.    Each Lannon player will be required to sell 2 tickets to the Beer/Wine tasting.  
d.    Discussion of penalties for not selling tickets or providing basket took place – no decisions made. 
e.    Hit-a-thon fundraiser set for June 3, 2017 and start time approximately 3pm at the Lannon complex.  Immediately following will be a coaches game vs. the two 14yr old teams on Joeck’s field.  
f.    Next Fundraising meeting is at Boneyard January 17, 2017.
5.    Background Checks
a.    29 coaches out of 37 have completed the background check.  The deadline has passed so if this still needs to be completed please do so immediately.  For any questions or concerns reach out to Jim Lang
6.    Field improvements
a.    KEI is scheduled to start Dawson and Schneider infields in March of 2017.   
b.    The approved fencing project for Schneider and Joeck’s to begin this week. 
c.    Board discussed building a shed for Dawson and having it ready this upcoming season. 
d.    Mike to reach out to Dennis about adding another batting cage to our complex. 
7.    Coaches Clinic & Indoor Facility
a.    Jimmy Rosen booked UWM coaches clinic for February 4 from 9am to 10:30am at UWM.  Reminder emails and further information will be sent out.  Clinic to be conducted by UWM coaching staff.  
b.    Indoor Facility introduction December 14, 2017 at 7 pm.  All head and asst coaches welcome and at least one coach from each team must be present.   PST address is 2656 S. 162nd St, New Berlin, WI 53151.

Next Meeting;  Tuesday, January 10th, 2017  Meeting starts at 6:30pm
Location –  Rumors Bar – Sussex 



Lannon Stonemen Baseball  Board Meeting – Minutes  Tuesday, November 2, 2016

In attendance;  Mike Serembiczky, Scott Schauer, Ron Prete, Jim Rosen, Dale Anderson, Jim Ash, Steve Heisdorf, Jim Lang, Lisa Slavic, Amy Wolfinger, Todd Hoffman, Dave Ausloos, Greg Indestad, Andy Tusic, Brian Tetting, Nate Westby, Eric Terrizzi

  1. Financial Report
  1. Steve Heisdorf provided an updated spreadsheet of 2017 operating Budget and board reviewed.
  2. A motion was approved to raise team tournament fees (paid by the league) to $900 based on the fact most tournaments are now $450ea.  Vote approved 6-1.
  1. Registration
  1. Jim Ash provided registration review and said it went very well.  He was impressed with Kohls Corporation volunteers.
  2. Only 11 families have not registered and Jim A. is working on taking care of those.
  3. Some payment plans were put in place and approved by the board. 
  4. Well over 90% of 2017 registration fees are currently collected. 
  1. Field allocation for game scheduling
  1. Mike requested feedback on how to handle field assignments.
  2. We agreed to allow each age group to work together and have dates finalized by December board meeting.
  3. Discussion about night games on Schneider.  City of Lannon charges $20 per night.  Agreed to get 14 keys made and keep one in the shed for Schneider light access.
  1. Tournaments
  1. The board is asking each coach to really be diligent in pursuing tournaments that will provide the best experience for their teams.  Understanding of the rules and competitive level of the tournament are key before you commit. 
  2. Baseball 365 tournaments received positive feedback from many coaches.
  3. is an excellent search engine for baseball tournaments.
  4. Jim Ash spoke about very positive experience at Janesville tournament last year.
  1. Uniforms & Equipment
    1.  Scott and Jim continue to get feedback on 2017 uniforms and to have a few options by December meeting.  February is deadline for decision.
    2. Scott is asking each coach to review equipment needs and email him with any requests;
  1. Indoor Facility
    1. Indoor practice times are set.
    2. Attendance issue came up because of conflicts with other sports, so, we agreed to allow these players to attend other team’s indoor practices.
    3. Mike is going to check with PST to see what training tools will be provided by the facility. 
  2. Fundraising
  1. April 8th, 2017 is tentative date for beer/wine tasting at Village Bowl.  Other venues still a possibility. 
  2. Hit-a-thon fundraiser set for June 3rd.   Three teams have conflicts so far but are going to try and work it out.  We are asking all teams to not book tournaments this weekend!
  3. Concern was mentioned about fundraisers being too close together and recommendation was made to move the beer/wine tasting to February.  No decisions made and still a work in progress. 
  4. Piggly Wiggly brat fry the next two weekends hosted by 12 and 14yr old teams.
  1. Background Checks
  1. Jim Lang has reported that the process is going well and checks have been completed on all board members.  An email was sent out this week to all Lannon coaches to complete the background check requirement.  This includes head coach and assistant coaches. 
  2. Deadline for the background checks is December 1, 2016. 
  1.  Field improvements
  1. KEI to start Dawson and Schneider infields in two weeks.
  2. Steve Heisdorf discussed fencing bid he received. 
  3. Board approved fencing improvements to the following;
    1. Joeck’s – fencing in front of dugouts.
    2. Schneider – protective netting over left field.
  4. Bid For scope of work and board approved with vote of 7-0.
  1. Coaches Clinic

a.  Jimmy Rosen looking into a clinic at UWM for January.

b. Mike and Ron working on a clinic in December involving Mike Schramek from Hamilton High School.

c. Templeton Middle School gym sounded like a good option to host December clinic. 



Next Meeting;

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Meeting starts at 6pm

Location – TBA 




New Lannon Stonemen Website

November 05, 2017   read more

2018 Player Registration Now Open

October 08, 2017   read more

October Board Meeting!

September 02, 2017   read more

Parents / Guardians Survey Released

June 05, 2017   read more

U11 Blue First Place!

June 07, 2017   read more

U10 Blue First Place!

June 07, 2017   read more

U11 White
2017 PST Winter Facility
2015 - U11 Orange Team
2015 - U12 - 6th Grade
2016 Winter Training
Hit-A-Thon 2016
2015 - U12 - 6th Grade
2015 - U12 - 6th Grade
2017 U10 Blue Season Pictures
2016 U13 - Orange
  • Welcome to the Home Of Lannon Stonemen Youth Baseball
  • All Out, All Game, All Season
  • Batter Up!
  • Go Stonemen!!
  • It’s about playing catch and throwing strikes

Countdown to
Winter Practices

(Dec 1, 2017 @ 5:30pm)



Number of visits to the site:



Lannon Weather

26th October, 2024
Clear Sky
Wind: 10 miles/hour