Jun 16/24
8:51 pm

Black Bettys



Grand Forks

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Posted Sep 3/13 - 2013 Hockey Season!

Happy September all!!

I was happy to see quite a few of us show for the sponsor pictures with Stu.  At the meeting after, Tam Clark has agreed to take over the financials and pay the bills for Andy who has done an amazing job taking care of the team for the past 10 or so years???!!  Lil will be the contact for new people, paying the bills and ice rental etc.  Sarah Unruh will be the money collector for the full season payers as well as the drop-ins.  Lynn Heriot has agreed to take over the beer cooler and Pepe will still keep track of the jerseys and Dayna (me) will take care of this website for now until the new one I am working on is complete (which may be never lol).  I will update the calendar for practice times as well as any news I feel that people should be aware of.

We still need someone to take over for Christine to schedule the tournaments!!  Val has agreed to still organize the Apex tournament and Ang, Sarah and I will be organizing our home tournament.  Sarah will also take care of the Castlegar tournament.

This years ice fees are approx $145/hour.  Our individual fees will be a bit different this year, we will be offering an early bird fee of $120 if paid IN FULL by Oct 10, 2013.  If you pay after Oct 10, you will have to pay $150 for the first half of the season.  Drop in rates have increased to $20 per practice.

We are excited to have Katy back as our coach!!  We have had a offer from Nick, who is our Border Bruins coach, to assist us with some plays maybe one practice a month. Perhaps we can discuss this during the next couple practices.


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