Jun 16/24
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Posted Jan 24/13 - Langley Spring Training Trip Details

Dates: Thursday, April 18/2013 - Monday, April 22/2013

Payment Due - March 15/2013

Hotel: Sandman Inn - Langley (604) 888-7209 (There is a Group Rate - Please mention the academy for this rate - PARTICIPANT GROUP NUMBER - 265 294) - 4 students per room - Students hotel rooms paid for in the fees.

Cost of Trip: $600.00 (Payable to the St. Francis Xavier High School - Bookstore - (780) 489-2571

Dependent on Numbers - 2 teams - 1 Pee Wee and 1 Bantam that will play at the same fields when playing games. 

In the past this trip has involved 95% of all Baseball Academy Students.

Playing time - Will be consistent with being fair and equitable but also dependent on positions.  Some players may be shuttled back and forth between game fields if a need arises.

Competition - Will be competitive with varying levels of teams from the lower mainland.  Most teams will have played 8-12 games on their schedule by the time we arrive in April.

Most Important - Have fun, great experience and play some baseball.



Day 1

Departure - Thursday, April 18/2013 at 8:00am (St. Francis Xavier High School)

Arrive in Langley at 9:00pm approximately

Lunch and Dinner Paid

Curfew - 10:30pm

Day 2

Breakfast at Hotel - 8:00am approximately

Workout at McLeod Park at approximately 9:30am (Depends on field conditions-  2.5 hours)

Game in the afternoon - TBD

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Paid

Curfew - 10:30pm

Day 3

Breakfast at Hotel -7:00am approximately

Game in the late morning/early afternoon - Double header (TBD)

Depending on when games end there may be some free time to see a movie at the cinema nearest the hotel.

Breakfast and Dinner Paid - Lunch at the field (Some snacks available)

Curfew - 10:30pm

Day 4

Breakfast at Hotel -7:00am approximately

Game in the morning and end early afternoon - Double header (TBD)

Breakfast and Dinner Paid - Lunch at the field (Some snacks available)

Bus gets on the road around 2:30pm for Edmonton

Arrive backs home at St. Francis Xavier High School around 5:30am approximately


* Game Times and Locations are still being worked on from the organizers in B.C.

* It is suggested that the students bring between $60.00 - $100.00 cash for snacks and other miscellaneous items.

* Please mark all items and keep track of your computer equipment.






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