Jun 16/24
5:47 pm

Waconia Lakers




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Posted Jul 17/11 - Lakers Split this weeks games with Watertown Red Devils

If good pitching and defense wins games then I would guess the reverse has to be said also.

Thursday, July 14, the Lakers rode into a wet Watertown field and behind the strong pitching of Chris Bullis (6 innings, 1 unearned run), Jesse Maistrovich (2 innings), and Ben Smothers (1 inning) flew to a 10-1 win over the Waterton Red Devils.

The hit parade was spread pretty evenly across the board but the big bat again belong to Ronnie Olson as he went 4 for 5.

Sunday, July 17, the Red Devils came to a hot, steamy Lion's Field and for a couple of innings nothing would go right. Waconia jumped off to a quick 1-0 first inning lead and behind the solid pitching of Brady Gibbs who came into the game with a 5-0 record things seemed in control. In the 2nd though, a sure double play ball was thrown into the outfield and the Red Devils jumped on this mistake and put 3 runs on the board.

As Waconia scratched back to get to a 3-2 score Watertown in the 4th put up 6 more runs on 3 hits, 2 walks, an error, and a hits batsman. Watertown now had 9 runs on a total of 6 hits and although the Lakers continued to put runners on base with 15 hits they could never come up with the big inning to match the Red Devils.

The 2-3-4 hitters for the Lakers, Ronnie Olson, Jeremy Salden, and Craig LaPlante each had 3 hits for the day, LaPlantes' being 3 straight doubles



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