Feb 16/25
5:34 pm

Okanagan Athletics




Team Ticker:
  • 2010 Ray Stearns Memorial Scholarship awarded to Kyle Monster. This award is given to a past A's player that is playing for OC.


The new Okanagan Athletics Website is now up and running! Follow this link to the site.

For fall ball information, click on the team notices tab at the top and then either click on premier, junior or bantam tab and enter this e-mail; and then the password Elks

This website will no longer be kept up to date.



Always scroll down the entire page to ensure you are full updated.  

If you need to reach Coach Bailey(250-864-1897)or Pablo(250-317-7559)  please text first. Check the site daily.

Billets are required this fall. If you are interested in helping out with a billet, please contact

Gary, for more information.


Registrations are now being accepted for Junior Premier Fall Ball. Fall Ball for junior and premier will start September 6, 4:00 at Elks. The players will have a two hour session with the coaching staff that will be followed at 6:00 with a one hour parent information meeting. At least one parent must attend this meeting. We will be reviewing the program, schedule and costs as well as answering any questions you may have.


Please e-mail Gary Yates at:


with your intention to play fall ball

Congradulations A's on a great year and a good effort in the 2011 playoffs.

PARENTS-   If there is a concern it is to be addressed by the player with his coach and if unresolved then you can contact Bailey for an opportunity to speak on the subject. Please respect his time before and after games and practices. You may just have a few questions and it will only take a few minutes but just like all of us when our work day is done we just want to go home. During games and practices he has a lot on his mind. Yes there are times when a little chit chat is welcome and even initiated by Bailey but in general lets try to keep it to a simple hello. Some of you have been interacting with Bailey in an informal way, asking about your son, but I have asked Bailey to stop this and stick to protocol. There is only one way to get information from Bailey about your son and it is available to everyone. It is not my goal to make Bailey unapproachable, he is just not infinitely available. If you have a real concern then Bailey is 100% available at a mutually agreeable time as long as protocol is followed.

Thank you to the 3 local associations, RMBA ,KMBA and WMBA for their financial support in 2010 and once again for 2011. Our goal is to make the A's financially self-sufficient however for now without the support of the 3 associations fees would be much higher. Thanks for helping keep the costs to our players down.

Communication- Players talk to your parents. Keep them informed about the things discussed at the park with regards to where and when we play/practice or any other topic they need to know about. All concerns about an individual player need to be first addressed by the player and his head coach. 

PARENTS please do not contact the coaches unless they have had a chance to discuss the issue with the your son first. If then there are unresolved concerns then talk to the coach, preferably in person.
E-mails, voice mail and text messages are not effective forms of communciation for resolving issues. Finally, if an issue remains unresolved then then A's board will become involved.   As always, please allow 24 hrs after games prior to any contact with the A's staff. 



All players and parents are requested to visit the BCPBL website. Click on "league info" (upper right) then on the "code of conduct". There you will find code of conducts for players, parents and coaches



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