Team Strategy:

Sure they're tough. But can they skate?

My guess is that Calgary just wasn't a very good road team in 2008...

Talk about brutal honesty:

All-Time Worst Hockey Team Logos:

The first one is a... is a... Man! Your guess is as good as mine as to what THIS is supposed to be. And WHY is it on fire? (P.S. the website address calls this a bear):
Ditto for this one.
Does this look like FOG to you? (It looks more like a nasty gray FROG to me.)

Talk about a conglomeration of disconnected concepts... an angry bird holding a hockey stick, a five-point leaf, and a bee... all for a team called the Whoopee:

Is this a pig with fangs?

Now this one is just plain STUPID. (Is the goalie dancing to the YMCA song? And somebody PLEASE get this guy a longer goalie stick!!!):

Hey! Maybe San Jose will consider this logo for their alternate jerseys? (Is the shark dancing, or what?)
Or maybe they'll use this one...

This one is special: a green, cross-eyed lion that eats wood...

No WONDER Cleveland doesn't have an NHL team...

And wait a  minute... is this a viking playing ice hockey on the sidewalk in front of a book store?

Now this one is just plain embarrassing. Imagine, if you will, wearing this:
Now... Question #1: What the heck IS this?

Believe it or not, the above logo was for a Quebec City team, called the Rafales. What, you ask, is a Rafale? Believe it or not, it is a plane. So, Question #2: What does a flaming bigfoot snowboarding downhill on a hockey stick have to do with a plane or Quebec?

But... (drum roll please)... the all-time worst logo for a MEN'S HOCKEY TEAM (i.e., NOT a women's figure skating team) goes to the...

Yes... t'is incredible and sad, but true. The New York Golden Blades played in the World Hockey League (WHL) in 1973-74. The year before, they were called the New York Raiders, when their logo was ALMOST as stupid (see the skating viking in the logo before this one). Interestingly... after the 1973-74 season, the team folded due to lack of fan support. Wow! Who saw THAT coming???

SO... if YOU want a vote, just go to the Forum page and cast your vote for the WORST HOCKEY TEAM LOGO OF ALL TIME!!!

  • Welcome to the home of the 2015/2016 London Bandits A Team
  • Final Team Record: 7-9-7 (wins, losses, ties)
Recent Results

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Good Season Ends with a Whimper

April 03, 2016   read more

OH SO CLOSE! Bandits Lose 3-2 Heart-Breaker

March 27, 2016   read more

Three by Four for 5-1 Playoff Win

March 22, 2016   read more

A-Team Stumbles Into Playoffs

March 15, 2016   read more

Team Flat in 4-1 Loss

March 01, 2016   read more

Timekeeper Kept Busy in 6-5 Loss

February 24, 2016   read more
Player of the game (Mar 27/16)

Dylan Sauve (F)

2 G; 0 A; +0; 3 shots

Upcoming Games

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Countdown to
? 1st playoff game

(Mar 20, 2016 @ 9:30pm)

Final schedule pending


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