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Posted Aug 6/09 - Support Your Local Businesses

From Wired How-To Wiki

During these difficult economic times, it is very important to support your local businesses in order to help boost the economy in your own community.

The more money you keep in your local area the stronger your local economy will be. The best part of this is that it is actually very easy to support your local businesses.

Here are some ways you can help to support your local businesses:

Buy Locally – Today many people are in the habit of buying a lot of their products online for several reasons. First of all it is usually more convenient that searching around local stores for what you want, but another reason people tend to buy products on the Internet is that the product they are looking for may not be available locally. Of course it is unlikely that you can give up purchasing products online completely, but you may want to consider buying locally if it is at all possible to find what you are looking for at a local shop.

Avoid Large Franchise Businesses – When you buy from a locally owned business the money you spend tends to trickle down to other local businesses, but this is not usually the case when you buy from a large franchise. For example, if you choose to go out to dinner and eat at a local café as apposed to a large franchise restaurant, it is likely that much of what that café purchases for their business will be from other local businesses. Franchises most often get their supplies from a central source that is not likely to be in your community.

Buy Products That are Made Locally – The next time you are shopping for groceries or other items, look for products that you know are made locally. Many grocery stores will stock local products along with the more known brand names. If what you are looking to buy is made locally, you will be supporting your own community when you purchase that product instead of a large brand name product; that is unless that brand name product is produced in your own town.

Become an Advocate for Local Businesses – Word of mouth is one of the most powerful sales tools there is, and it is also one way you can help your local businesses. When you recommend a product or business, try and recommend one that is local. In other words when someone asks you where they may be able to find a certain book or movie, instead of telling them to look online, recommend your local book or video store.

Your Business Can Support Local Business – If you run your own small business you are in a good position to support the businesses in your community. Buy all your supplies locally if possible, and when you need the service of an outside contractor you can hire a local contractor that is not part of a large franchise.

Your local businesses are the life of your community and the stronger local business is, the stronger your own community will be.

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This page was last modified 23:15, 24 March 2009 by howto_admin. Based on work by sammington.

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