Feb 16/25
4:45 am






Dear Parent:

Welcome to the 2014/2015 Rchmond FC Soccer Season. Our team is the Richmond FC Razorbacks and we will be playing at the U-16 Silver 1 level within the 4District league.

This is my 15 year as a soccer coach. I have taken both the Community Coach Children (CCC) and Community Coach Youth (CCY) certification and the Community Coach Senior (CCS).  I have also taken the replacement course, Soccer For Life program. In addition I am an NCCP certified Level 2 coach. My co-coach this year is Howard Normann, who coached with me last season.

This year, our focus will be on challenging for the top of the league and the Cup.

We encourage parental involvement and hope parents will attend games and encourage their children and children’s teammates from the sidelines. The players usually respond very well when their parents are at the games. The only thing that we request: Leave the coaching to the coaches...encouraging words from the sidelines only.

Our intention is to rotate the players during game play, and we try to keep the substitutions and game time equitable. This is a policy that I have invoked over the past few season. Equitable play is based on attendance at practices, commitment to the team, coach-ability, and eagerness to compete. If you are ever unhappy with our coaching or feel that your son requires something more than we are providing, please come and talk to one of the coaches in private.

Please try to have the athlete at the practices and games on time and dressed appropriately. Remember to bring water and always have your athlete wear their shin guards and cleats.


Home #604-277-9125

Cell #604-760-8221


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