Jun 15/24
1:18 pm

Team Virginia 15





Team Virginia Fundraising Page

Each player's goal is to raise $200.00.

Below is the donation letter sent out by Coach Dunton in the beginning of the season.  Please refer to this when sending out donation letters!  

        Team Virginia

                                  A Division of the Blue Ridge Youth Basketball Association 


The Blue Ridge Youth Basketball Association’s Team Virginia girl’s 13U, 14U, 15U & 16U travel basketball teams are preparing for another spring and summer of national competition.  With young ladies representing their communities throughout Central and Southwest Virginia, Team Virginia’s coaching staff is committed to developing the best in each of these talented student/athletes.  Team Virginia provides the opportunity to compete against the nation’s best in front of the country’s top women’s college basketball programs.  This experience showcases our team’s players and generates wonderful scholarship offers.  In the past two years members of Team Virginia have signed scholarships in excess of two millions dollars.  With every one of our graduating seniors receiving either a NCAA Division I or II scholarship offer.  What a great accomplishment for the girls, their families, the communities and the State of Virginia!   


Eighty young ladies will wear the Team Virginia uniform competing through a schedule of the most prestigious tournaments in Atlanta, Cincinnati, Raleigh, Greensboro including the Super Regional, Virginia State AAU Championship and July’s National Championships in Washington DC and Atlanta.  These opportunities are invaluable in preparing our local student/athletes to reach their potential.  It is rewarding to watch the hard work blossom into team work, friendship and competitive character.


A program of this magnitude is necessary as our Central and Southwest Virginia youth compete for scholarship opportunities offered by State, Private and National universities.  Training championship level habits requires facilities which generally have a cost.  Our coaches are volunteers and for them to execute this program financial assistance from community businesses and individual benefactors will be required. 


Of our projected $55,000.00 budget, the eighty team members are responsible to pay a participant fee of $250.00 and personal travel expenses of up to $1000.00 each.  The coaches and families must raise the additional $35,000.00.  BYBA is a 501 C3 charitable organization.  Any gifts given to the program are deductible from your income taxes.  Please consider assisting our organization to continue a tradition of helping Virginia’s young athletes pursue their education and athletic dreams.


You assistance is greatly appreciated.  God Bless.



Randy Dunton, President

Jim Farmer, Vice President

Jane Jones, Treasurer




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