Welcome to the Home Page for Lions Park.


1. This is a PRACTICE BOOKING SITE.  Do not add exhibition games or rescheduled games to the calendar without first contacting the park by email (l.macdonald@sasktel.net).  We will not be watching this calendar for games not on the BR original league schedule.

2.  Exhibition Games NOTE:  Baseball Regina does not pay rent to the parks for any Exhibition games. If coaches are expecting diamonds to be chalked and washrooms available, the team(s) will be responsible for paying the game rental cost directly to Lions Park prior to game time.  Lions Park is run by a very small non-profit organization and funding of some sort is required to provide for exhibition games.  If you wish to just have a game during your practice booking and don't want chalk or washrooms no problem - just please make sure the mound and batter's box is in the condition you found it in prior to your game.

3. Log in, then click on ADMIN in the left hand menu.

4. Go to SCHEDULE and click on Add/Edit Calendar Entries.

5. Ensure the diamond is availabe and click on the date you want to book practice. In particular take note of the GAMES booking showing what diamonds are unavailable for booking on your chosen date.

6. In the box that pops up, UNCHECK ALL DAY.  This allows you to put your start/end time in.

7.  Practice times dictated by Baseball Regina must be followed: 

Weekdays Time Slot One can start at 4:30 OR 5:00 BUT you must be finished and off the diamond/cages prior to 6:30

                    Time Slot Two start time is 6:30 pm until when you want.

Weekends and Stat Holidays:  Time Slots:  11:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm.  You can start later but you must be off the diamond/cages before start of next time slot.

8,  Cage Bookings are for 1 lane only and should be 1/2 hour-1 hour as per Baseball Regina request so other teams have the opportunity to use them.  If there is no one there to use them after you can stay longer.

9. In LOCATION, put the diamond # and/or cages. Cages are reserved for scheduled games  for 11U and up and will be available for practices after 5:45 pm or on weekends after 1 pm but will be needed again at 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm.  .

10. CAGES NOTE:   If you have the cages booked you must text 306-526-2074 to receive a text with access link and directions on unlocking the bluetooth lock. Your phone must be within 10ft of the lock to unlock AND YOUR PHONE MUST BE WITHIN 10 ft to LOCK THE CAGES AFTER. Otherwise the cages will show unlocked in the system and you will be contacted.  



Please note ......Remember this is our Game Park so please follow theses practice courtesies.....

1. Pitching mounds are not to be used. (There is a practice mound next to the batting cage.)

2. Batters boxes are not to be used.  Please have coaches/players stand behind the batter's box area.

3. No hitting balls of any kind into the backstop , or any other fencing at the park .

4. No L screens on infields

5. If your players have been hard on the mound, batter's box or any of the base areas during practice, please repair these areas before leaving the diamond.

Thanks, this allows us to maintain and improve conditions on game days.







  • Welcome to the new home of the Lions Park Ball Fields
  • Opening day is May 1

Countdown to
Baseball Regina Opening Day

(Apr 6, 2004 @ 12:00am)

WOOT WOOT. It's here!


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Regina Weather

6th February, 2025
Few Clouds
Wind: 13.8 miles/hour