2015-Call for Baseball BC Provincial Championship Hosts

Posted April 27, 2015

2015-Call for Baseball BC Provincial Championship Hosts


BC Amateur Baseball Association


310 – 15225 104th Ave, Surrey BC, V3R 6Y8

T:(604) 586-3310

F:(604) 586-3311


I: www.baseball.bc.ca


Baseball BC Provincial Championships



Baseball BC is pleased to announce the 2015 Provincial Championship Series of events, scheduled to take place this summer at locations around British Columbia.

This series of championships will crown Provincial Champions at 13U, 15U and 18U divisions of play and establish the BC representatives to both the Western Canada Baseball Association (WCBA) and Baseball Canada Championships.

The 2015 Baseball BC Provincial Championship Series will take place at the following…

                Division                                               Dates                                                    Location

                13U (Pee Wee) AAA       -              July 31 – Aug 3                                                 -             

                13U (Pee Wee) AA          -              July 31 – Aug 3                                                -             

                15U (Bantam) AAA          -              July 9 – 12                                                       -             

                15U (Bantam) AA             -              July 23 – 26                                                    -             

                18U (Midget) AAA           -              July 16 – 19                                                     -             

                18U (Midget) AA              -              July 23 – 26                                                    -             


Provincial Champions at the AAA events will earn the right to represent BC at Baseball Canada National Championships.

                18U (Midget)                     -              August 13-17, 2015          -             Sherbrooke, QC

                15U (Bantam)                    -              August 20-24, 2015          -              Vaughan, ON

                13U (Pee Wee)                 -              August 20-24, 2015          -              Repentigny, QC


Runners up at the AAA events will earn the right to represent BC at the Western Canada AAA Baseball Championships.

                18U (Midget)                     -              August 21-23                      -              Yorkton, SK

                15U (Bantam)                    -              August 14-16                      -              Steinbach, MB

                13U (Pee Wee)                 -              August 14-16                      -              Coquitlam, BC


Provincial Champions at the AA events will earn the right to represent BC at the Western Canada AA Baseball Championships.

                All Levels                             -              August 14-16                      -              St. Albert A


Entry Costs are as follows for the 2015 Baseball BC Provincial Championship Series


18U (Midget) AAA           -                         Member              -              $500      

Non Member      -              $1000


18U (Midget) AA              -                        Member              -              $400

                                                                  Non Member      -              $800

15U (Bantam) AAA          -                        Member              -              $500      

            Non Member      -              $1000

15U (Bantam) AA             -                      Member              -               $400

                                                                Non Member       -              $800

13U (Pee Wee) AAA       -                       Member              -              $500      

          Non Member       -              $1000

13U (Pee Wee) AA          -                     Member               -              $400

                                                               Non Member       -              $800

Entry Information

                Division                                               ____________________________________

                Association                                        ____________________________________

                Team Name                                        ____________________________________

                Team Contact                                    ____________________________________

                Team Contact Phone                        ____________________________________

                Team Contact E Mail                        ____________________________________

                Team Contact Address                    ____________________________________

                Provincial Level Affiliation              ____________________________________

                Check #                                             ____________________________________               

                Travel Deposit Check #                   ____________________________________

                Travel Commitment                         ____________________________________

                                All teams entered are required to declare their intention to travel and represent BC at                                   either WCBA or Baseball Canada Championships

Non-member teams opting to travel if they qualify, are required to submit a $5000 travel deposit (Fully refundable in the event the team doesn’t qualify to travel; otherwise non-refundable)


Playing Rules

The Baseball Canada Rule Book will be used in all divisions and will be the final factor in all situations and interpretations, including age eligibility, tie breaker approach and pitch count.

Tournament Formats

Tournament formats will follow a Round Robin / Playoff approach to the extent practical…but other formats (eg. Double Knockout) may be used if required.  This distinction will be at the sole discretion of Baseball BC based on the number of teams entered.  Baseball BC commits to advise all teams entered after the June 1st entry deadline as to the format for each event.



Eligibility Rules

  1. Area based and not “Select” teams

    1. Ideally Club Teams

    2. Roster composition must be comprised of players consistent with boundary rules established by the Provincial Level Association with which they played Spring baseball or a provincial association as approved by Baseball BC

    3. Baseball BC defines these Provincial Level Associations to include the PBL, Little League BC, Babe Ruth BC and BC Minor Baseball

    4. Little League BC entries may be based on District boundaries

    5. Babe Ruth BC entries may be based on a district wide basis in the Kootenay’s

    6. Prep teams will be subject to their associated PBL team boundaries and rules in this transition year

  2. Baseball BC also reserves the right to re-classify any AA entry that is deemed to be considered inappropriate for that level of play.


  3. All entries are subject to approval of rosters by Baseball BC.


  4. Baseball BC, at its sole discretion, will interpret the intent of the principles that it is applying.


The intent of our eligibility criteria is to provide as level a playing field as possible while accommodating the reality of very different organizational structures

Baseball BC reserves the right to solely decide on team and individual eligibility.












2015-Call for Baseball BC Provincial Championship Hosts

April 27, 2015   read more

March 10 / 2015

March 10, 2015   read more

Howard Chapman (1940 – 2015)

March 10, 2015   read more
  • Welcome to the Home of the BC Babe Ruth Baseball / Softball Leagues
  • Please remember that your Insurance from last season expires March 31st/2015
  • 2015 - It's Charter Time/ Deadline May15/2015
  • 2015 - Rosters should be submitted on-line prior to the start of play.

Countdown to
2015-Charter Deadline

(May 15, 2015 @ 11:59pm)

WOOT WOOT. It's here!


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16th February, 2025
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