March 10 / 2015
Posted March 10, 2015

**It's Charter Time**
Hello All, Cal Ripken and Cal Ripken Age Dual Chartering Associations
It's that time of year when registration and chartering for the 2015 baseball season begins, including Babe Ruth.
Please view the attached letter ( ) from Baseball B.C. regarding the Winterball Program. This is a really great opportunity to get the schools involved in your area's youth baseball program.
For chartering your leagues for 2015, it is the same as last year, go to:
For those leagues that purchase insurance through us, you will need our info which can obtain from Baseball BC at: then click on: Policy Details under Membership Insurance and the click on Certificate to print off a copy for your files..
Help Desk is open 9AM to 5PM at 1.800.880.3142 for all leagues. For on line help go to:
For more information / help contact, Derrick Surowski at,
or myself at the address below.
Peter Stoochnoff
Provincial Commissioner
B.C. Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Baseball/Softball
P.O. Box 566
Grand Forks, B.C. VOH 1HO
email -
Ph 250.442.3510
Fx 250.442.2878