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Putting Sportsmanship into Practice

“Brought to you by American Sport Education Program (ASEP) and Babe Ruth League".
We here at BC Babe Ruth / Cal Ripken Baseball & Softball Leagues invite you to view this very infomative "FREE" Webinar

Register with "GoToWebinar" at the below link..prior to accessing the "FREE" recording...


You will need Windows Media Player 9 or higher to view the presentation.



- Cal Ripken, Jr. Answers Questions From The Field

A) What are your thoughts about parents or coaches who steal signs from their opponents and use smartphones to communicate those signs to their players or coaches?

- First of all, I don’t ever think that relaying another team’s signs to batters is a good idea no matter how it is accomplished. If, by chance, the person relaying the pitches to the batter provides bad information – which is entirely possible – the batter doesn’t stand a chance. As a hitter I didn’t want anyone telling me what was coming, because you never know when the other team is on to your game and has changed up its signs.
- As for the cell phone issue in general, I don’t think that cell phones ever have a place on athletic fields or during athletic competition. Yes, it is a great idea to have a cell phone on hand in case of an emergency, but if we as coaches are asking the kids to give us their full attention for up to two hours, I believe that we owe them the same. If we are on the phone in the middle of a game – for whatever reason – what kind of message does that send?

B) How do you determine if your child, who is just starting out in baseball or t-ball, is right-handed or left-handed?

-Having difficulty determining which hand is dominant for a child is a problem that is more common than you might think. It my estimation  many people struggle with this, but it is never discussed because it can be embarrassing. As children approach the age where sports participation becomes an option (age 4 or 5), their muscles generally have developed pretty equally, so it really comes down to whatever the child prefers.
If you’ve purchased a glove for a right-handed thrower, and he or she seems to throw just as well from either side, my advice would be to teach that child to throw righthanded unless you notice that he or she really seems to prefer throwing with the left hand when given a choice.


- As for hitting, whether you are a 4-year-old or a 22-year-old professional, being comfortable is the most important concern. Lay the bat out there, see which way he or she picks it up and swings it most often, and go with that. If the child really seems to be struggling from one side, try the other side. The great thing about working with a 4 -year-old is that you don’t have to lock him or her into something for the rest of his or her life. There is room to experiment and find out what works best.

- Remember to be patient. There aren’t many prodigies out there. Whether a child is right-handed or left-handed, he or she is not going to hit every ball – at any age. Keep the game fun. Encourage them when they struggle and celebrate even the smallsuccesses. Your body language and reaction to their successes and failures will go a long way toward determining their feelings about a particular activity.

 C) How should we as parents share in our children's’ athletic pursuits without pushing too hard and also help our kids understand the many valuable lessons, such as sportsmanship, that sports should be teaching them?

-As with anything, parents can set the tone when it comes to the way our childrenperceive sports. If we show a lot of excitement and enthusiasm to take our kids to their games and practices, there is a better chance that they are going to enjoy the activity. If we get there a few minutes early and offer to practice with them or stay for a few minutes after practices or games to play with them, they may start to look forward to that extra time with mom or dad. The key is not to pressure your kids to play or practice the sports at home, but still be willing to play with them or work with them – even if we are not very good at that sport – when they ask us to. Let the kids dictate their level of involvement and support them in whatever they decide. As they grow to enjoy sports, they naturally will gravitate toward the ones they like best. At some point they will decide whether or not they want to get really serious about one specific sport. Give them your full support no matter what they decide.

- Our teaching philosophy is to focus on the fundamentals, keeping the game simple, while still making it fun and allowing kids to be kids. Sports get serious enough fast enough these days. If your kids want to practice or play, let them do it and join them if you are able. Don’t force them to do things away from practice or games, but also keep in mind that one of the important life lessons to teach them is that if they are part of a team that they need to attend the practices and games (unless they are sick or injured, of course), or they are letting their teammates down.

- You can use the games to address sportsmanship and other standards of behavior as well. Ask your kids how they feel about the way one of the coaches yelled at the umpires and what it means to respect authority. Discuss why it is important to actually look someone you have competed with in the eye and give him or her a firm handshake at the end of a game. Explain to them how in every aspect of life they will have to accept final outcomes and decisions that are made without crying or complaining, and that as long as they truly gave their best effort there is no reason to be upset about those outcomes.

- Between work schedules, school schedules and extracurricular activities it seems as though there are fewer and fewer opportunities for parents to participate in activities with their kids and have meaningful dialogue with them about life and its lessons.

- Sports can provide a means to do both, so try to take advantage of the opportunity whenever you can.


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Cal on TBS

The Year of the Catcher?


Check out a TBS Hot Corner clip and read what Cal has to say about the significance of Roy Halladay's relationship with his catcher, Carlos Ruiz, in throwing a playoff no-hitter.

Video and Article by Cal Ripken, Jr.

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Sign Variations

Sign Variations for Catchers


Bill demonstrates the many ways in which a catcher can disguise his signs. Successfully relaying signs to the pitcher without giving too much away to the opposition is an important aspect of any pitcher/catcher relationship.

By Bill Ripken

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Chevrolet - Roberto Clemente Award
Cal - Parentally Speaking

Parentally Speaking


Joe asks Cal about how much a young player should rest his arm after a long season. The Huberts want Cal's opinion on Derek Jeter's controversial fake hit-by-pitch performance.

By Cal Ripken, Jr.

Coaches Resource Center - Great resources and offers for the coaches and parents of today's young ballplayers.
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Enterprise Ripken Baseball has partnered with Enterprise to provide discounted rates for teams travelling to Ripken Tournaments. Click here to cut your team's travel costs...

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2015-Call for Baseball BC Provincial Championship Hosts

April 27, 2015   read more

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Howard Chapman (1940 – 2015)

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  • Please remember that your Insurance from last season expires March 31st/2015
  • 2015 - It's Charter Time/ Deadline May15/2015
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(May 15, 2015 @ 11:59pm)

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