
# Name POS  H W Class
90 Braxton Akridge 10
Braxton Akridge,
92 Hunter Albritton DL 206 Sophomore
85 Jesse Allen FR
16 Nathan Allen 9
89 Chris Amis Freshman
4 Forrest Anderson QB 158 Jr
16 Jordan Arbuckel 9
Trent Archie
33- Ashton Arnold 10
16 Chris Autry 12
16 Chris Autry DB 153 Junior
49 Nathan Bailey Freshman
34 John Baisden 9
10 Daniel Bartson 10
38 Torrie Bassett 9
22- Terrance Beard 10
Terrance Beard
52 Adam Beeson OL 222 Junior
97 Jaquory Blackmon Soph
82 Edward Blakely 9
78 Jeff Boddie DL 6'0 215 SO
53 Ryan Bolanos OL 248 Junior
83 John Bonner WR 119 Sophomore
54 Jordan Booze Soph
39 Christian Boston 10
96 Chicano Boyd Soph
9 Darius Bracy 9
42 Jarion Braggs DB 160 Junior
73 Daniel Brickhouse OL 262 Junior
15 Donovan Brooks WR 153 Sophomore
37 Peris Browder Freshman
45 Baxter Brown 9
40 Jordan Brown WR 141 Sophomore
39 Gavin Burnett Soph
95 Jordan Lee Burrell Junior
66 Anthony Butler 10
22- Devin Callier 10
68 Andrew Cannon Freshman
66 Chris Carter Soph
60 Jacob Carter OL 221 Junior
69 Moses Carter DL 185 Sophomore
37 Joshua Cassity 9
58 Cameron Cauley 11
69 Troy Chenier 10
Troy Chenier
8 Robert Churchman Freshman
36 Kennith Clark FR
89 Caleb Clarke Senior
67 Jean Claudrae Freshman
Spencer Cooper
31 Brady Corner 10
93 Michael Cottrell 11
3 Aaron Crayton WR 134 Soph
96 Jalen Crenshaw Soph
41 Chase Crockett LB 159 Sophomore
10 Joel Daughtry DB 6'0 140 SO
Joey Daughtry
Landon Davidson Junior
46 Brian Davis 10
99 Charles Davis 9
33- Cordaryl Davis 10
77 Landon Davis 10
25 Tevin Davis RB 205 Junior
99 Jaqouri Dawson Soph
67 Tyler Day 9
48 Kelun Dixon 12
48 Kelun Dixon FR
77 Matt Dorsett Freshman
Kewinn Dotson
Blake Edwards
87 Bryan Edwards DE 155 Sophomore
Hudson Eisenbeis
41 Jonathan Ellzey Freshman
55 Thutch Elzey 9
14 Percival Ethridge 9
36 William Evans Junior
44 Zach Everette 12
44 Zach Evverett FR
84 Timothy Falgout FR
99 Terrance Fantroy-Fair Soph
Mark Flores
Quenton Franklin
30 Nick Galanopoulos WR 158 Senior
2 Joustin Garror LB 205 Sr
59 Curtis Gildersleeve 10
5 Brett Glover DB 154 Jr
39 Ryan Graham FR
93 Charles Hagar Junior
24 Tyler Hale LB 157 Junior
32 Martin Hall Freshman
68 Evan Harrell 9
59 Jerry Hawkins Junior
34 Alec Hazard 10
42 Jimmy Hazen Freshman
82 John Hendrix LB 181 Junior
19 Grady Henley 9
64 Tyler Hensley 11
Eric Hill
81 Melvin Hill 9
Kentrai Hogan
42 Tyler Hopkins 10
68 Braxton Horne-Lee 10
4 Antonio Howard Soph
35 Hayden Howell FR
14 Cole Hudson 10
88 Marcus Hunter 12
79 Aaron Huynh DL 277 Junior
15 Harold James FR
32 Lottie James DB 172 Sophomore
Shawn James
35 Travis James 12
61 Travis James FR
94 Reginald Jefferson 10
91 Tavion Jefferson Soph
12 Jordan John Freshman
61 Jerrell Johnson OL 177 Sophomore
62 Keyshaun Johnson DL 240 Sophomore
58 Dalen Jones 9
38 Everick Jones 12
67 Jacob Jones DL 176 Sophomore
60 Johnny Jones Soph
8 Kevin Jones WR 175 Senior
36- Tren Jones 10
36 Trent Jones Junior
92 Tyler Jones 9
71 Aaron Jordan-Dean DL 296 Sophomore
37 Graham Kercher 10
45 Tristan Kidd 10
55 Jeremiah King OL 5'9 227 SO
54 Robert King DL 6'0 220 SO
50 Archivens Lacombe LB 176 Sophomore
DuJua Laddy
19 Donald LaFleur 10
Donald Jr. LaFleur,
46 Christian Lane LB 198 Sophomore
80 Drayton Law 9
24 Josh Lawson 12
17 Malcolm Lee 9
86 Zach Lee LB 160 Sophomore
7 Chris Lett 10
50 Phillip Lewis Soph
Ashton Lloyd
38 Gavin Londeree Soph
85 Charles Love 9
73 Tyler Lowell 9
70 Austin Lowry OL 208 Sophomore
93 Fred Lutin 9
75 Cole Maddox OL 219 Junior
75 Cole Maddox FR
1 Lasavian Majewski RB 165 Freshman
96 Deon Malone 10
66 Dexter Mancey Freshman
43 Jakob Markham Soph
John Marshall
6-O Jacarii Martin 11
34 Zantwane Mason FR
73 Matt May Senior
50 Matt McCartney FR
49 Aaron McClain Senior
49 Aaron McClain LB 152 Sophomore
23 Quentin McCray DB 150 Junior
80 Dundre McCreary Freshman
78 Patrick McDaniel Junior
75 Colby McDuffie Soph
26 Warren McGee DB 150 Junior
33 Lee McIntyre 9
78 Zach McKinnell 10
9 Trent (Trey) McMilan Freshman
2 Darian McMillian 9
3 Dorian McMillian 9
Keishaun McMillian
Tre McMillian 9
7 Rayford Mickles DB 5'9 155 SO
44 Devonte Minor Soph
18 Ryan Mitchell 12
36- Ronald Mix 12
13 Taylor Mooney WR 153 Senior
54 Darius Moore 9
44 Cody Naber Freshman
18 John Neighbors 9
15 Akobi Nelson 9
3 Tristan Nettles FR
29 Alex Newell Freshman
84 Trenton Nobles Soph
17 Trey Nobles WR 144 Sophomore
7 Clifford Norwood 9
88 Ray Norwood TE 214 Junior
25 Joshua Omezi 9
33 Garrett Ost LB 173 Junior
23 Marquice Owens Soph
85 Jeron Palmore WR 154 Sophomore
64 Duane Parham 9
40 Christian Pate Soph
Jacob Pearson Junior
56 JacoB Pearson 10
11 Darren Penn 9
99 Joseph Perkins DL 210 Sophomore
4 Darius Philon Freshman
6 Justin Philon LB 5'9 204 SO
74 Chase Pitts 9
53 Tyler Pitts Soph
29 Drew Poche DB 155 Sophomore
58 Harley Pohlman Soph
10 Jkorei Preyer FR
39 Rogerick Pugh WR 157 Junior
12 Anthony Quinney 9
63 Jarkeel Quinnie 10
Jarkee Quinniel
47 Benjamin Reed Freshman
43 Carl Reese 10
55 Randall Reese FR
27 David Reinhardt WR 144 Junior
98 Josh Reynolds Junior
91 Joshua Reynolds 10
50 Mark Reynolds DL 6'0 215 SO
28 Gabe Rodriguez 9
54 Alex Rogers 10
K. Alex Rogers
56 Rigo Rubi 9
43 Eric Ruehmkorf Soph
84 Hayden Sage Freshman
42 Ryan Sage 9
8 Conner Sanders FR
Sammie Sanders FR
25 Derrick Sargeant Junior
80 Brandon Saunders 10
83 Jake Schlaudecke 9
81 Gavin Self-Poole Soph
53 Arthur Shaw 9
90 Josh Shelley WR 6'1 179 SO
9 Devondrick Shelton Freshman
82 Leonardo Shinn Soph
38 Dale Shirley FR
62 Devin Shreves 9
98 Laithan Simmerman 12
11 Voshon Simpson Soph
28 Frank Singleton DB 142 Sophomore
11 Kevin Singleton RB 175 Junior
89 Preston Skipworth DB 170 Junior
79 Brandon Smith 9
Fabian Smith Soph
27 Jasean Smith Soph
17- Larry Smith 11
65 Matt Smith OL 207 Junior
24 Brendan Snead Freshman
91 Jordan Soto 9
40 Nicholas Stevens 9
7 Jermaine Sutton FR
80 Peyton Swindle Soph
86 Chayse Teague 10
42 Jimetrius Thompson Soph
Kyler Thompson Junior
37 Archie Trent 10
74 Chris Tucker OL 300 Sophomore
32 Mack Tucker 9
30 Berron Tyson FR
28 Brandyn Vanderbuilt Freshman
72 Dalton Vaughan 10
Dalton Vaughn Junior
15 Holden Verdin Soph
Elston Walker Senior
57 Hunter Walker FR
35 Matt Walker Soph
22 Hunter Warren 9
26 Caleb Webb 9
13 Tahji Webster 9
96 Jakob Weigeldt 11
84 Dylan Weir TE 208 Junior
9 Travis Wells 12
10 Attila West 9
75 Colby Wheeler 9
71 Andrew Whitsett Freshman
88 Justin Wilkerson Freshman
Brandon Williams Junior
65 Brannon Williams OL 5'7 161 SO
91 Durrell Williams Soph
24 Hunter Williams 9
8 Lafrance Williams Soph
Malik Williams Junior
1 Marcus Williams 9
33 Maryon Williams Soph
30 Torrance Williams 9
72 Mitchell Wilson Freshman
48 Ryan Wilson Soph
95 Walter Wolf DL 231 Junior
12 Bryce Woods DB 141 Sophomore
83 Davin Wright FR
30 Nolan Wright 10
23 Mark Wyrosdic 9
27 Matthew Wyrosdic 9
70 Jimmie Young FR
76 Ladarius Young DL 219 Junior
79 Patrick Zavala 12
50 Dillan Branson C/DL 5'11" 225 Junior
51 Matt Knorr OL 5'9 235 JR
18 Trey Barbazon CB 5'9" 145 Junior
35 Cornelius Hill DB 5'6 131 JR
7 Jermaine Knight CB 6'1" 174 Senior
10 Jasper Roberts CB 6'0" 164 Senior
24 James Stallworth WR 5'8 125 SR
35 Keony Abrom DB 128 Sophomore
20 Tyson Berron DB 156 Junior
21 Chris Bruno DB 140 Senior
13 Karlos Crayton WR 5'7" 137 Junior
14 Stephen Cunningham WR 6'1 160 SR
12 Issac Franklin FS 6' 1" 181 Soph
20 Germoin Green WR 5'8" 145 Junior
31 Khalil Henderson DB 145 Junior
47 Kieran Landers DB 140 Senior
36 Corey Moorer DB 155 Junior
34 Curtis Robinson DB 136 Sophomore
28 Malcolm Sirmons RB/CB 5'9" 175 Soph
17 Stephen Alexander LB 6'2 187 SR
48 Nicholas Garrett DE 6'1" 200 Senior
55 Justin Young DE/OL 6'1" 233 Senior
78 Jeffrey Boddie DL 215 Senior
70 Nickolas Bosarge DL 5'7 267 JR
92 Devonte Davis DL 5'7 239 JR
72 Demetrius Forward DL 235 Senior
77 Micheal Garmon DL 6'1 249 SO
96 Claudrae Jean DL 210 Senior
8 Djori Johnson QB/DE 6'4" 218 Soph
99 Jarvis King DL 5'9 295 SR
96 Dexter Manzy DL 5'8 191 SO
85 D'Undre McCreary DL 5'11 195 SO
60 Brandon Myers DL 5'10 283 SR
64 Desmond Norwood OL/DL 6'1" 251 Junior
62 Brandon Shelley OL 6'3" 224 Soph
72 Jay Smith DL 5'11 211 JR
66 Douglas Wilson DL 6'2 207 JR
78 Shelby Young DL 6'3" 320 Senior
79 Blaine Clausell OT 6'7" 283 Junior
47 Shawn Lawson TE/K 6'0" 173 Soph
33 Travis Harrison FB 5'10" 183 Senior
46 Bradley Powell LB 5'7 165 JR
2 Chaz McPhail FS 5'11" 142 Soph
90 Jacob Finney K 151 Senior
91 Carson Graves K 170 Junior
45 Jacob Kwitzky K 5'10 169 JR
43 Phillip Beech LB 5'5" 111 Soph
57 Todd Blackmon LB 5'8" 159 Junior
66 Jamichael Coleman LB 201 Junior
2 Cameron Davis LB 6'0 180 FR
38 Bradley Dubose LB 5'8 154 JR
44 Zach Everett LB 198 Junior
94 Dontae Fowler LB 164 Junior
32 Daniel Franklin LB 5'8 183 JR
63 Chandler Hallman LB 178 Junior
41 Brandon Heathcoe LB 5'10 167 JR
56 Randall House MLB 6'0" 180 Junior
26 Ronald Maxime LB 5'6 144 SR
36 Xavier Penn LB 5'11 181 JR
59 Randy Reese LB 223 Junior
23 Timothy Robinson LB 5'10" 172 Junior
45 Jordan Sahawneh LB 195 Senior
40 Matt Shelton LB 5'10 189 JR
43 Chase Sikes LB 197 Junior
52 Austin Strickland OG/DE 6'1" 196 Junior
21 Dylan Young SS 5'11" 178 Soph
44 Tyler Young LB 6'1 185 JR
49 Stephen Cauley LB/FB 6'0" 187 Soph
54 Brent Barnes LB/LS 5'10" 193 Senior
68 Eric Martin OG 5'9" 247 Senior
53 Jarrod Herrin OG/DL 5'10" 275 Senior
73 Brett Ardizone OL 6'3 285 SR
75 Drew Blackwell OT 6'0" 220 Junior
58 Jason Charlton OL 222 Sophomore
51 Robbie Cronk OL 215 Sophomore
71 Gatlin Dent OL/LS 5'9" 176 Soph
61 Nick Faulk OL 5'9 165 JR
76 John Felschow OL 5'10" 200 Soph
77 Michael Garmon OL 247 Senior
74 Michael Gaston OL 5'10 211 JR
68 Bailey Impastato OL 203 Sophomore
63 Josh Vogtner OL 6'3 174 JR
59 Spenser Wright OL 6'1" 165 Soph
73 Bret Ardizone OT 6'3" 262 Junior
9 Matthew Cook QB 135 Sophomore
19 Carl Johnson QB 126 Sophomore
15 Jordan Patterson QB 6'4 190 SR
3 Justin Richardson RB 5'7" 134 Soph
37 Eric Dixon RB 202 Junior
42 James Hazen RB 5'8 174 SO
18 Marlon Ingram RB 129 Sophomore
1 Trey Rodney RB/LB 5'8" 190 Soph
34 Sterling Steward RB 5'7 135 SO
29 Nick Wallace RB 5'6 167 JR
42 Leonard Gros SLB 6'0" 198 Senior
30 Matroy Browder SS 5'10" 154 Senior
11 Corey Naber SS 5'9" 147 Senior
84 Jeremy Burch WR 6'1 205 SR
81 Durrell Edinburgh TE 194 Senior
9 Isaac Elmore TE 6'2" 176 Senior
86 Corbin Palmer TE 6'2 195 SO
82 Scott Webber TE 6'3" 173 Soph
80 Edward Whitsett TE 6'2" 156 Soph
34 Cody Carnathan WR 5'10" 133 Soph
25 Eric Caviness WR 5'7" 134 Senior
16 Marc Coleman WR 5'7 141 SR
16 Mark Coleman WR 5'8" 142 Junior
14 Jerome Cooper WR 5'8" 142 Junior
5 Michael Egbuchulum WR 5'10" 155 Soph
30 Nick Galanopolous WR 5'8 146 SO
27 Trey Green WR 5'9" 130 Junior
97 Kevin Jeppesen WR 171 Senior
26 Ronnie Maxime WR 5'6" 139 Junior
5 Nate Penn WR 6'0 157 SR
88 John Rangel WR 5'11 165 SR
80 Aspher Richardson WR 140 Senior
22 Jimmy Waltman WR 5'10" 176 Senior


Danny Daigle
Steve Normand
Micky Orso
Chris Williams
Jason Smith
Rick Whittle
Jeremy Williams
Daniel Curtis
Tim Massengale
Jason Black
Ron Danley
Chris Williams
Jasper Rogers
Mike Outlaw
Daniel Kertis
Deshena Thomas-Jones
Jeff Alexander
Sierra Collins-Hampton
Frankie Bonner
Todd Edmond
Tommy Walton
John Bonner
Bill French


Booster Meeting 5/28/2015

June 02, 2015   read more

Boston Butt Fundraiser

October 28, 2014   read more

Landon Davidson #77 chosen as 1st and 10 Player of the week

October 07, 2014   read more

Oct 2 Meeting Notes

October 02, 2014   read more

Meeting Notes from 9/9/14

September 10, 2014   read more

Meeting notes 8/19/14

August 22, 2014   read more

Countdown to
Home Game Vs Williamson Lions

(Aug 21, 2015 @ 7:00pm)

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