Jun 19/24
11:06 pm

Bantam Fastpitch




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Posted Jul 2/12 - Thunder takes SILVER in Regionals!!

It was a great weekend of ball despite the bad weather.  The score sheets had to be handed in to the tournament organizers, so we can't provide a play-by-play of all the great things that happened over the weekend, but here are some highlights:

Zee pitched like a demon inning after inning.....mowing many batters down at the plate.  Those she didn't take care of were put out by the defense behind her.  And don't forget the 2-out, full-count change-up to strike out the last batter in the Mission game.  AMAZING!! 

Emma caught inning after inning, not lettng a single run score on a passed ball and throwing runners out at 2nd when she had the chance.  

Memorable defensive plays include Leilah's catches in left field, Maddy's game-saving catch in centre with bases loaded, Emily leaping to snag a hard hit line drive heading past 2nd toward right-centre, Carly catching pop-ups at 1st and Sydney scooping grounders and throwing runners out at 1st. 

Memorable hits include Meghan's hit to the outfield with bases loaded, Maddy's hit to right-centre to score the tying run followed by her steal to home to score the winning run, a line drive by Leilah down the right field line, a couple of hits pounded by Zee to the outfield, singles by Jaden, Sydney, Carly and Erin.  And every player laid down one or more good great is that?? 

Without the score sheets to tell the story of the defensive plays and great hits, much has been missed in this report.  Apologies to those whose memorable moments were missed here....there were so many, it's hard to keep track!!   But everyone knows that some GREAT ball was played this past weekend.  Thunder was undefeated heading into the final game.  In a true double knock-out tournament that team would have had to play us again to take the gold medal. 






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