Apr 20/24
2:10 am







NAME AND PRINCIPAL OFFICE1.1 The name of this association shall be the National Developmental Football League hereinafter called the NDFL, the word NDFL: herein shall refer to the National Developmental Football League, unless otherwise specified.

1.2 The NDFL office shall be as centrally located as possible to facilitate the travels of the teams in the league thus not causing any overextended travels because of time and/or distance.


PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVESThe purpose and objectives for which this league was organized are:

A. To give athletes an opportunity to continue their football carriers, if they so desire.

B. To give athletes the opportunities to develop and excel, thus possibly attracting some college scouts who could help to further their formal educational pursuits.

(NOTE): This league is not an alternative to someone capable of going to college. Instead, it is an alternative to someone who is not capable at this time or not desiring to go to college. We do not pay our athletes at all, so their State of Eligibility stays intact for its allowable time.

C. To give athletes the opportunities to possibly be seen by pro-scouts, thus afforded a possible future pro try-out.

D. To give athletes a structured outlet to learn and grow through intense competition and camaraderie amongst their teammates.

E. To provide a wholesome form of entertainment for the communities involved.

F. To become, through community involvement, an integral part of that area.

G. To provide for all of the teams the opportunity to participate in a regular season of the ten (10) or more games, a post-season playoff series, an all star game, and a possible post-season Bowl game with another Leagues champion which could be at home or require travel to another site.

H. To provide the opportunities for national recognition.


MEMBERSHIP3.1 Membership in the NDFL shall be limited to the members in the League at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, and such new members as may be thereafter duly elected, provided however that:

A) The admission of a new member within the territorial limits of a member-teams area in which a franchise is presently located is prohibited unless approved by the unanimous consent of all members of the NDFL and its board.

(B) Membership in the League is limited to any member subject to the provisions of section 4.1 (A) above; such a limit on the affirmative vote of NDFL Team Owners and board.

3.2 Any team of good repute, organized for the purpose set forth in Article II, shall be eligible for membership in the NDFL.

3.3 Each applicant for membership shall make a written application to the President. Such applications shall describe their type of organization and designate the geographical area in which the franchise of the applicant shall be located; such applications shall further describe and contain the following information:

(A) The name and addresses of all persons who will act as principles and sponsors.

(B) The names and addresses of all officers and directors.

(C) All applications shall contain a representation that, upon acceptance, the applicant shall subscribe to and agree to be bound by the Constitution and By-Laws, and the Rules and Regulations of the NDFL, and any amendments of modifications thereof.


(D) All applications must be accompanied by Team Tax Identification Number.


(E) Have a home field that can be confirmed by the NDFL for all of that teams home games.

** Upon receipt of any application for membership in the NDFL, the President shall conduct such investigation thereof as is deemed appropriate. And, for admission and continued member is the NDFL, the team must follow the By-Laws set forth by the NDFL.


3.4 No membership of any interest therein may be assigned or otherwise transferred in whole or in part except in accordance with and subject to the following provisions.

(A) Application for the transfer of an assignment of a membership or any interest therein must be made in writing to the President.

(B) Upon receipt, the President shall conduct an investigation as is deemed acceptable. When the investigation is completed the President shall submit the proposed transfer to the NDFL’s Board for approval, together with his recommendation and all other information pertinent to the transfer. All transfers and assignments shall only become effective if approved by the affirmative vote of the NDFL Board.




3.5 Any member of the NDFL may withdraw from membership by assigning or transferring its membership upon the terms and conditions set forth in section 3.4 above.


(A) If team voluntarily withdrawals there will be no refunds for monies paid. 


3.6 Each member shall be responsible for the following fees to be paid to the NDFL prior to the beginning of the playing season.

NDFL fees set forth by the President and approved by the NDFL Board.

Other fees as determined necessary by the President and the NDFL Board.


3.7 Each member club, and each and all of the officers and directors therein assumes and agrees to be bound by the following obligations of membership in the NDFL:

(A) Each team shall be bound by, and will observe all decisions, rulings, and actions of the President and its board as set forth by the NDFL.

(B) They, and each of them, agree to be bound by all of the term and provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the NDFL as now and hereafter are in effect.

3.8 The Board shall be made up of a President, Vice President, Director of Operations, General Manager, and Treasurer.

3.9 Any new team entering the NDFL shall do so on a one-year probationary basis. The team will be subject to being accepted or rejected based upon their first year’s performance (this will not have anything to do with the teams win/loss record).



4.1 For the purpose of this Constitution, the following definitions are used:

(A) Home Team means a member at whose field a game is played.

(B) Visiting Team means a member whose team is playing a game at the field of another member.

(C) Home Territory with respect to any member means the area specified in (A) above in which another member-team is located, and for which it holds a franchise and plays its home games.

(D) The NDFL’s games will start as early as 11:00 a.m. on Saturday and as late as 8pm on Saturday nights unless mutually agreed upon to start at a different time and/or on a different day. These changes should occur as a last resort.

(C)  The DSFL game fee is $8.00*with children 10 and under free. No League member should be charged any amount above $8.00* when one visits another team’s home-site.

(Does not include Fans)

(*Subject to vote)


(D) All team staff and players of game must present their League ID’s in order to be admitted with out paying. Anyone that is not issued a League ID will be subject to the gate fee.

4.2 All NDFL members should contact the NDFL President for answers regarding territorial rights.





5.1 The meetings of the NDFL shall be held on the day and time at such places and times as the President shall designate in the notices of the meetings.

5.2 Meetings will be held and called for through NDFL office, and each NDFL member will be notified by the Director of Operations.


5.3 All regular meetings will be set on a schedule that will be distributed to all members. However if there should be need for an emergency hearing, the Director of Operations shall contact all member via email, phone, or both with at least a 72 hour notice as to the meeting time and place.

5.4 The NDFL President will preside over all NDFL meetings. In the Presidents absence a representative will be appointed.

5.5 There will be a fine of $50.00 for those members (Team Owners) who have not attended a league meeting without a prior written notice, with a legitimate reason as to why they can not attend.


5.6 A member that will not be present for a league meeting may appoint one of its team representatives to attend in their behalf, with the understanding that if there is an issue that needs to be voted on; their vote if needed will count as if it were the member. 


OFFICALS6.1 The NDFL President, with the approval of the NDFL Board, will select the association(s) of officials to work the NDFL games.


6.2 The referee and his crew shall have complete control of the games they are working.

(A) Cooperation should exist between the head coaches and the referees.

(B) Any reports, good or bad, should be made to the President.

(B1). Any players involved in any fights will be immediately suspended for the remainder of that game and the next game. Any players who start a fight will be suspended the next game.

(B2). Any player who starts a fight for a second time will be suspended for the remainder of the season including the play-offs and championship games, and will be subject to being banned from the NDFL indefinitely.


(B3) Any team that has any members suspended or ejected from a game will be fined $100.00 for each incident. Any team with more than three (3) will be subject to league vote on being suspended from the league for the remainder of the season.

(C) Officials will be paid by the home team at least by half-time. If the officials are not paid, the NDFL will pay the officials, but before the home team can play another game, they must reimburse the NDFL-office (President) at least 72 hours before the following weekend and will be subject to a $25.00 penalty.


7.1 The conduct of all members participating in the NDFL, including coaches, owners, general managers, and any other representative working with any team, must be of the highest standards possible. Any misconduct or misrepresentation will be handled through actions taken by the President and the NDFL Board.



8.1 All teams must have uniforms of the same color-scheme without any conflict to other member-teams.

8.2 All teams must have proper and safe equipment, and are responsible for periodic checks of all equipment pertaining to their team.

8.3 No athletes are allowed to wear shorts or any short-pants type uniform in any certified NDFL game. THERE ARE NO EXPECTIONS!


8.4 All uniform Jerseys must have the NDFL logo on their Left Sleeve.


8.5 All uniform Jerseys must have Corporate League sponsor on Right Sleeve


8.6 All helmets must be same color and must display team logo on at least one side.


8.7 All uniforms will be mad available through the NDFL.*

(*Subject to vote)



9.1 Any team arriving 30 minutes after the Game Start Time will forfeit that game and their following game unless prior notices has been received or some unforeseen predicament occurring beyond their control.

9.2 A team who forfeits a game will automatically forfeit their next game (including Playoff games), and is subject to suspensions from the NDFL.

9.3 Any team who forfeits a game is responsible for paying the game fee for the officials as well as any other expenses incurred by the Home team. The money for the officials must be paid to the NDFL on the Wednesday before forfeiting team plays another game.


10.1 All teams are required to keep statistical information of each game played. This should include information completed on the NDFL stat sheet.

10.2 After each game, when all of the information has been gathered and completed, a copy of the stat sheet should be send to the NDFL office or to any other designated place as determined by the NDFL Board. The scores of the games played each Saturday should be called in to the President on the same night as the game.

10.3 Failure to submit statistical information will result in a $25.00 fine. If this omission occurs more than twice, then the fine will increase to $50.00. This money is to be paid immediately (or before the next game) to the NDFL Treasure.


11.1 The NDFL will provide as part of the NDFL dues, general liability insurance for each team.


11.2 The NDFL will provide each team’s home field with proof of Liability Insurance once team has paid their League Due in full and have provided the necessary information as discussed in Article III.


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