Jun 16/24
7:39 am

Boo Williams Red Tide
10-U Girls





School Achievements, Special Awards & Interests

Chelsea Harrison

1st Place Reflections Award Winner for Photography at Greenbrier Middle School, City of Chesapeake, Eastern District and the State of Virginia. Her entry is currently under consideration for the Top Prize in Nation.

A/B Honor Roll Student Greenbriar Middle School.

Chelsea is a very active member of the Mount Zion Baptist Church serving on the Hart-to-Hart Praise Dance Group, Inspirational Choir, the Youth Ushers (Vice-Chair), and Health Assistants (Youth Chairperson).

Robyn Reed

Robyn is an Honor Roll student. In fact, Robyn made Principal’s List (all “A’s”) the 2nd grading period. Her favorite subjects are math and science.

Robyn loves to dance, sing, and perform for others. She enjoys shopping and anything related to fashion. She wants to become a fashion designer or teacher upon graduation from college.

Raegan Tatum

Raegan has been in the Cluster Program since entering the public school system in 2006 and is an Honor Roll student at Providence Elementary.

She is also a member of the West Kempsville Youth Association Recreation League Basketball Team, dances at Denise Walls Dance Energy, participates on her school newspaper and is also a Student Host for Providence Elementary.

Cursten Hudgens

Cursten has made the "A" (Principal's Honor Roll) for the first two quarters this year at Atlantic Shores.

She also loves playing soccer and eagrly awaits her return to the field this coming fall.


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