Jun 3/24
6:15 pm

Dam Coyotes



Boulder City


1129 Autumn Grass St

Henderson, NV 89052



                                                                            Sponsor Request Letter



Dear Business Owner:


Let me take this opportunity to introduce you to the American Baseball Union.  Established in 2008 the ABU is an adult amateur baseball league serving the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area.  Even more importantly, the ABU has had a positive impact on the lives of the Las Vegas men and women, the surrounding areas, their families, and the community.


This year, for the first time, we are offering an opportunity to local businesses like yours to become Team and/or Clubhouse Sponsors.  Your contributions will be targeted exclusively to lower the growing costs of the 240+ members each season, enabling them to fully participate in all four seasons,(Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) Intramural games, tournaments, tryouts, and training camps.


The American Baseball Union is guided by a volunteer board of directors, baseball associations, dedicated parent(s)/guardian(s) volunteers.  However, we are different from some other baseball clubs in that we are a small nonprofit club that does not receive any governmental or grant assistance.  Our primary revenue source is League Fees paid by players, families, and donations received from generous individuals and businesses.  Since these funds do not cover all of the Union expenses, families often must raise their own funds to pay for equipment, training fees, field rentals, travel, and tournament entry fees.  The average cost per team per season to participate is $1000-$1200, particularly difficult for families with more than one player and/or modest means.


In order to make this rewarding experience a reality for our men and women, we are reaching out directly to area businesses, family, and friends, and offering the opportunity to help by becoming a team or clubhouse sponsor!  While any sponsorship level you select will be greatly appreciated, a donation of $500 or more will earn you a Proud Team Sponsor Plaque with a photo of a team to display on your office wall, a valuable marketing tool as well.


Please take a moment to review and select the sponsorship package that best fits your business and budget.


Respectfully Submitted,


Daniel Roman

ABU President


P.S.  For tax-reporting purposes, all checks must be made payable to the Las Vegas Sports Association.  All sponsors will receive an advertising/ sponsorship invoice for tax-reporting and deduction purposes based on the sponsorship level selected.





Anyone interested in supporting the American Baseball Union should contact Danny Roman, ABU President or download a sponsorship application from the Union website:




The ABU Clubhouse Sponsors are businesses, organizations, or individuals that sponsor the ABU, a specific team, or an event with a minimum sponsor contribution of $2,500 or more.  In return for their support, Clubhouse Sponsors will receive the following:


*      “Clubhouse Sponsor” benefits (shown below)

*      Your business will be shown as “Title” or “Major” event sponsor at all union events, including tournaments, parties, demonstrations, media campaigns both print and Web), clinics, and Union functions.

*      We will also create prominent, full-color display banner on the Union Website.


All professional design and production fees are included.  A limited number of Clubhouse plans are available.


Team Sponsorships


In return for their support, Team/Clubhouse Sponsors will receive the following:


          $1,000 PRESSBOX SPONSOR:


*      One-year advertising on a “ABU Banner” (displayed at all major club events at Silverado Ranch Park, Paul Meyer Park, Cashman Park, and Whalen Field)

*      A 3’x 6’ vinyl banner with businesses name/logo displayed at our Las Vegas Neon Classic, and 4th of July Sin City Invitational

*      Advertising on the Union website with a link to your website

*      A proud Sponsor Plaque with photo of the team for your display

*      An American Baseball Union collared shirt

*      An American Baseball Union baseball cap

*      An American Baseball Union car magnet


          $750 DUGOUT SPONSOR:


*      One-year advertising on a “ABU Banner”

*      Advertising on the Union website with a link to your website

*      An Proud Sponsor Plaque with photo of the team for your display

*      An American Baseball Union collared shirt

          $500 TAILGATE SPONSOR:


*      A Proud Sponsor Plaque with photo of the team for your display

*      Advertising on the Union website with a link to your website

*      An American Baseball Union baseball cap

*      An American baseball Union car magnet



Bleacher Club Sponsorships


The ABU Bleacher Sponsors are businesses, organizations, or individuals that select a $100 or more sponsor package.  In return for their support, Bleacher Club Sponsors will receive the following:


          $250 INFIELD SPONSOR:


*      Advertising on the union website with a link to your website

*      An American Baseball Union baseball cap

*      An American Baseball Union car magnet




*      Any individual or Business may make a Team/Clubhouse Donation directly to a specific team for purpose of assisting the team with expenses.

*      Donations DO NOT provide sponsorship or recognition as part of the club sponsor program for that individual or business.

*      All Donation amounts are made available to the team for use as detailed within this program without “cost of sponsorship” being deducted.

*      Donations may NOT be considered tax-deductable as advertising expenses.


*The ABU Banner is a 3’ x6’ vinyl banner sign displayed on the fence surrounding Silverado Ranch Park, Paul Meyer Park, Cashman Park, and Whalen Field baseball fields.  Baseball families (240+ players) and coaches from Las Vegas Metropolitan area and surrounding cities will see your business name and logo on a regular basis as they attend tournaments, games, tryout camps, and union functions.


**A Proud Sponsor Plaque displays a team photo and will list you as a proud sponsor of a team and Club.


Our Marketing Director will be in contact with sponsors to coordinate logo, business name and graphic requirements for the website and advertising banners.


Thank you for your support!

American Baseball Union


Team Sponsorships Selection Form


            The Sponsorship year runs from March 1st, 2009 to February 29th, 2010.  Please consider making your selection below and returning it with your sponsorship payment today.


š      CLUBHOUSE SPONSOR- Enter Amount:                          (Minimum 2,500)


Team Sponsors

š      $1,000 PRESSBOX SPONSOR

š      $750 DUGOUT SPONSOR



Bleacher Club Sponsorships




Clubhouse/ Team Donation

š      $                           Enter amount of your Clubhouse donation.


                                                Team Name:  Which team are you sponsoring?


                                                Team Coach


š      Assign Me!  Let the Marketing Committee assign you a team.

This method is beneficial to support teams that have not been able to get adequate team sponsoring on their own.


Please choose your sponsorship level above and mail your completed form with your check made payable to the “American Baseball Union” at the address below.


Sponsor contact:                                                                                                                                 

Business name (if any):                                                                                                                                  

Street address:                                                                                                                                     

City /State /Zip Code:                                                                                                                          


Email address:                                                                                                                                    


            Attention: ABU Marketing Director – 1129 Autumn Grass St., Henderson  N.V. 89052



Policy for Team Sponsorships


The Clubhouse has adopted the following policy regarding sponsorships designated for a specific team.

1.      Any team can freely solicit sponsorships from any person, business, or organization.

2.      All team sponsorship money must be used for the equipment, uniforms, tournaments, player registrations, clinics, camps, team practice fees, or travel expenses for tournaments.

3.      Sponsorship money may not be used to hire professional trainers for the team.

4.      In order to receive tax benefits from the sponsorship must be made to the American Baseball Union and identified as a team sponsorship.  A percentage (cost of sponsorship) of all team sponsorship will be retained at the club level as stated in the ABU Marketing Sponsor Guidelines.

5.      The Club will send a thank you letter to the sponsor, including the Clubs Tax Identification Number and invoice for the advertising level your business has selected.

6.      Prior to receiving a check from the Club, the sponsored team must provide a written and signed statement listing the intended expenditures for the money.

7.      Once the written statement is received, the Club Treasurer will write a check to the designated team representative or vendor described in the receipt of goods.

8.      In the event that all the money is not used for the listed approved expenses, the remaining money is to be redirected back to the Club to be used for cost reduction for club players, player scholarships expenses or future registration fees.

9.      Please visit the American Baseball Union website for more info.

Contact Danny Roman, ABU President, at 702-425-4166, or for any questions, conflicts, or additional information regarding the ABU Marketing/Sponsorships Program.



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