Jun 18/24
3:31 pm

Covington Volleyball Club 14U






1) COMPETE WITH YOURSELF - Demand more from yourself than from your teammates. This is the sign of a serious and true competitor. Players who accomplish big things do small things as well. No matter how small or unimportant it may seem, look for ways to be better when you leave training, then when you first walked in. Improving your individual skills will lead to your Team's success. Think - when you're not working towards improvement, your competition is!

2) COMMUNICATE - Communicate during every block, every pass, every defensive/offensive and transitional play - as well as every move our opponents make.

3) BE A TRUE TEAMMATE - Be responsible for yourself, to your team's obligations, and to your personal and team goals. You are accountable for ALL of your actions. Support each other, particularly in tough situations. We want our teammates to have the confidence to take risks!

4) FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL! - You cannot control the pass of the passer, the sets of the setter, or the serves of the server. You can only control what you yourself do, so focus on what you do.

5) "BETTER" WHAT IS GIVEN TO YOU - Marv Dunphy summed up why he thought we won the Gold in the Seoul Olympics. He felt that at the time, just hours after their success, that it was due to playing "better" defense and "bettering" the ball. No matter how bad the pass may be, "better" that ball by putting up a perfect set. No matter how bad the set may be, "better" that ball by executing a perfect kill. It is your duty and focus as a teammate to make the ball you got, better - no matter how difficult the incoming ball is. Every ball CAN and MUST be played!!!

6) RELENTLESS PURSUIT - Rule #1: Go for every ball. Rule #2: If the ball is too far out of reach, go back to rule #1: Go for every ball. Go in with the attitude that "nothing will hit the floor." Always be prepared defensively holding a LOW and READY position.

7) EVERY PLAYER INVOLVED IN EVERY PLAY - Every player involved offensively, defensively, and communicating during the play contributes to making that play successful.

8) SMART AND AGGRESSIVE PLAY - Players need to know what their job is during each play to take advantage of opponent's weaknesses and stopping their strengths.

9) OFFENSE WITH A PURPOSE - Attempt to stay one step ahead of our opponents.

10) FOCUS POINT BY POINT - Every match has three parts: past, present, and future. You cannot control the past, nor can you control the future. Focus on the point at hand, playing one point at a time. You will eliminate two-thirds of the worries many players have in their heads, affecting their focus as they play.

11) BE A POWERFUL PRESENCE - Be yourself and be proud. If you gripe, harp on team errors, hang your head, kick or slam balls and get frusturated outwardly - it will give energy to your opponents and weaken you and your team. Forget the mistakes and remain focused on what you can control on the upcoming play.

12) CARPE DIEM - "Seize the Day." When it comes down to the wire, RISE to the occasion and LEARN HOW TO FINISH! Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity! Step up to the plate and show them what you've got!


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